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Актуальная версия: AutoHotkey 2.0.5 от 12 августа 2023
Версия для Windows XP | Changes from v1.1 to v2.0
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AutoHotkey — бесплатная программа с открытым исходным кодом для создания макросов и автоматизации, позволяющая упростить выполнение повторяющихся задач.
AutoHotkey позволяет изменить интерфейс практически любой программы. Имеет собственный скриптовый язык, специально нацеленный на лёгкое назначение и переназначение горячих клавиш.
AutoHotkey можно использовать для запуска программ, отправки текста, имитации мыши. Скриптовый язык позволяет управлять окнами, файлами и папками. Команды могут быть активированы горячими клавишами.
Также имеются возможности создания GUI, работы с реестром, использования собственного API окон для вызова DLL-файлов. Скрипты можно скомпилировать в EXE-файл и запускать на любом компьютере с Windows соответствующей версии.
Наиболее частое применение AutoHotkey:
- переназначение клавиш (глобально или у отдельных программ)
- управление мышью с помощью клавиатуры или джойстика
- слежение за системой, автоматическое выполнение некоторых действий по желанию пользователя, таких как напоминание, сканирование или резервное копирование

Всего записей: 505 | Зарегистр. 04-03-2004 | Отправлено: 00:28 02-06-2005 | Исправлено: Egor2020, 10:08 21-09-2023

Silver Member
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AutoHotkey (July 30, 2005)
история изменений - _http://www.autohotkey.com/changelog/
скачать - _http://www.autohotkey.com/download/

Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 21:42 31-07-2005

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Fixed hotkeys such as ^!a not to fire twice when "a & b::" is a hotkey. Also fixed hotkeys such as ^!a to work without a $ when "a" is a prefix key such as "a & b::". [thanks t0nyk0]
Fixed hotkeys "LButton::" and "RButton::" not to disrupt Edit control context menus. [thanks Tekl]
Fixed "GuiControl ChooseString" not to ignore the first two items in each ListBox/ComboBox/DDL. [thanks Tekl]


Всего записей: 5843 | Зарегистр. 04-05-2002 | Отправлено: 16:55 17-08-2005
Nick 2003

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Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 00:43 22-08-2005

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AutoHotkey (August 21, 2005)

Fixed auto-replace wildcard hotstrings whose last character is a diacritical letter (e.g. :*:jsá:. [thanks jordi]
Fixed the tray icon to turn green when a paused thread is interrupted by a new thread.
Changed and improved the Pause command: 1) "Pause Off" always affects the thread immediately beneath the current thread rather than the nearest paused thread; 2) "Pause [Toggle]" always pauses the current thread if the thread beneath it is unpaused; 3) Added an option to pause the underlying thread rather than the current thread. [thanks Decarlo110]
Improved the "Pause Script" menu item to work even when the script is idle (which prevents timers from running). [thanks Rajat]
Improved SoundSet and SoundGet to support N/A for ComponentType and numeric values for ControlType. There is also an example script to discover your soundcard's capabilities.

Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 09:10 22-08-2005

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AutoHotkey (August 27, 2005)

Fixed disruption of a GUI window's custom icon when "Menu, Tray, Icon" loads a new icon. [thanks Tekl]
Fixed hotstring option "O" (omit end-char) to work even when "B0" (no-backspace) is in effect. [thanks Tekl]
Improved AltTab hotkeys to support Escape as a means of canceling the operation. [thanks catweazle]


Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 13:39 28-08-2005

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Самое интересное, что все эти автохоткеи и иже подобные даже рядом не валялись с Workspace Macro Pro. Почему?
Да хотя бы потому, что САБЖ не может абсолютно без ошибок повторять движения мышью и её клики, а Workspace Macro Pro может. Сами сравните.

Когда-то я вёл авторскую музыкальную передачу на радио. Можно послушать!

Всего записей: 6645 | Зарегистр. 04-10-2004 | Отправлено: 17:37 28-08-2005

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AutoHotkey 1.0.38 (September 3, 2005)

Fixed the Input command to properly capture keystrokes sent by a hotkey or hotstring for which the user is physically holding down SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, or WIN. [thanks wildfire]
Changed "GuiControl, Text" to set the text of a ComboBox's Edit control rather than new choices for its drop-list. Please update your scripts accordingly.
Improved FileMoveDir with an option to unconditionally overwrite the target folder.
Added built-in function IsLabel(), which verifies that a label exists before you Gosub it. [thanks Tekl]
Added built-in function OnMessage(), which can receive custom messages and monitor system messages.
Added a WinLIRC client script that responds to signals from a hand-held remote control. WinLIRC is an open-source utility that captures infrared signals from virtually any brand of remote control.


Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 09:43 04-09-2005

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Совершенно не кого не хочу обидеть и прошу прощения за возможный off, но, граждане форумчане, разве САБЖ стоит его обсуждения?
Я терпеливо пробую уже три версии подряд и всё та же фигня.
САБЖ НЕ может стопроцентно точно повторять все действия за юзером.
Записывающая действия приблуда  этой проги постоянно ошибается. Из десяти записанных скриптов только один простейший выполняется точно.
ИМХО - полный отстой!

Когда-то я вёл авторскую музыкальную передачу на радио. Можно послушать!

Всего записей: 6645 | Зарегистр. 04-10-2004 | Отправлено: 12:43 04-09-2005
Nick 2003

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Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 01:21 06-09-2005 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 01:21 06-09-2005

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Fixed GuiContextMenu's A_GuiControl to be non-blank when the user right-clicks a Text, Picture, or Tab control.
Changed OnMessage() to receive LPARAM as an unsigned vs. signed number.

Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 09:55 06-09-2005

Дед Мазай
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Fixed inability of "WinSet Region" to accept a negative X-coordinate.
Fixed radio buttons to start a new radio group for each new tab control or page.
Changed VK hotkeys such as "^VK24::" to avoid the use of the keyboard hook when possible. As a side-effect, such hotkeys are now triggered by any key that has the specified virtual key (e.g. both Home and NumpadHome for VK24).
Improved the Hotkey command with option "On" to change a hotkey's label and enable it in one step.
Improved "GuiControl Disable/Enable/Hide/Show" to recognize an optional 1 or 0 suffix to simplify scripts.


Я прав! Если не прав
Любимое занятие форумчан - экстраполировать свой частный случай на большинство. И чем экзотичнее случай - тем глобальнее выводы

Всего записей: 39186 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2002 | Отправлено: 20:54 08-09-2005
Nick 2003

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- Fixed key-up hotkeys so that having both a wildcard and a non-wildcard version of the same hotkey works even when the non-wildcard down-hotkey is defined before the non-wildcard up-hotkey. [thanks Paul Haines]
- Improved Edit controls with the option "WantTab", which allows the tab keystroke to produce a tab character.


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 05:51 13-09-2005 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 05:51 13-09-2005
Nick 2003

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- Fixed hotstring reset option (Z), which could crash a script. [thanks arbe]
- Improved threads to reduce the chance of an interruption occurring before even a single line can execute. [thanks Paul Haines]
- Added command Critical, which prevents the current thread from being interrupted by other threads. It also buffers incoming events until the critical thread ends.


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 03:44 22-09-2005
Nick 2003

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- Fixed "Menu Show" (broken in the previous version) to call the selected menu item's subroutine prior to executing the command beneath "Menu Show". [thanks Roussi]
- Changed Sleep -1 and Sleep 0 to check the message queue on Windows 9x as they do on other operating systems.


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 22:56 23-09-2005

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Some optimizations were made to the keyboard and mouse hooks. If you have any mission-critical scripts that rely on them, it is recommended that they be re-tested or that you wait two weeks for any bugs to get fixed.
Fixed continuation lines that start with "AND" and "OR" to work even when the next character is in the set "()!~*&-+". [thanks Decarlo110]
Fixed hotkeys/labels such as "(::" and "(MyLabel):" not to be misinterpreted as continuation sections. [thanks whismerhill]


Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 20:19 27-09-2005
Nick 2003

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AutoHotkey 1.0.39

- The last change below may impact scripts that use the keyboard or mouse hook. If you have any mission-critical scripts that rely on them, it is recommended that they be re-tested or that you wait two weeks for any bugs to get fixed.
- Fixed inability to have lines consisting entirely of spaces and tabs in continuation sections. [thanks JSLover]
- Fixed hotkeys such as "LButton & LCtrl" to auto-install the mouse hook. [thanks JSLover]
- Added a dedicated thread to service the keyboard and mouse hooks. This eliminates mouse/keyboard lag during long operations such as UrlDownloadToFile. It also prevents keys from getting "stuck down". The new thread consumes only 36 KB of memory and it exists only in scripts that use the hooks.


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 00:58 04-10-2005

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Fixed the mouse and keyboard hooks so that failure to activate them behaves correctly.
Changed the Send command for Russian and other keyboard layouts to be able to produce more ASCII characters (such as the letters A to Z). This does not affect most Western European and English layouts.
Changed hotkeys that are a subset of a wildcard hotkey to take precedence. For example, if *x and ^x are both hotkeys, pressing ^x will now trigger ^x rather than *x.
Improved syntax so that double colons do not need to be escaped.
Improved Send and ControlSend with option {Blind}, which leaves Ctrl/Alt/Shift/Win pressed down if they started that way.
Added a new remapping method that is more simple and powerful than the old methods. For example:
a::b  ; Make the "a" key become "b".
Capslock::Ctrl  ; Make Capslock become a Control key.
XButton1::LButton  ; Make the fourth mouse button behave like the left mouse button.
RCtrl::RWin  ; Make the right Control key become the right Windows key.


Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 00:02 12-10-2005

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У меня все повторяеся точно в 10 случаях из 10.
При определенном опыте получаются очень полезные программы.
P.S Прога SUPER.

Всего записей: 132 | Зарегистр. 05-01-2003 | Отправлено: 09:15 18-10-2005

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AutoHotkey (October 21, 2005)

Fixed the title bars of script-owned windows to respond correctly to left and right down-clicks generated by the script's own hotkeys. [thanks Shimanov]
Fixed inability of OnMessage to consistently monitor certain messages such as WM_GETMINMAXINFO.
Changed Critical to be temporarily off during MsgBox and other dialogs.
Added command "Thread NoTimers", which prevents a thread from being interrupted by timers.
Fixed GuiContextMenu's A_GuiControl to be accurate for Text and Picture controls inside a GroupBox or Tab control.
Fixed GuiControl to properly redraw Picture controls and transparent Text controls when they are given new contents.
Increased the width of auto-sized Checkboxes and Radio Buttons by 1 pixel to prevent wrapping on certain desktop themes.


Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 08:13 22-10-2005
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