Silver Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору new version. main change is that m/t compression is now used by default: * -m1..-m4 compression methods are equal to -mex1..4 if you run FreeArc on multicore cpu This change required to fix usability quirks reported by users, so now: * threads performing compression/decompression/encryption tasks are assigned lower priority so computer no more hangs when you run compression * progress indicator was made smoother, especially for m/t compression * compression settings in 4x4 are automatically reduced to obey memory limit settings * 4x4's :t and :i params are no more saved in archive Also, syntax for describing compression method in -m option/arc.ini/built-in was extended with "|" syntax: * -m=tor|lzma|lzma:max means "use tor for 1-core cpu, lzma for 2 cores, lzma:max for 3+ cores * -m=tor|||lzma means tor for 1-3 cores, lzma for 4+ cores (i.e. repeated strings may be omitted) * -m=rep+(tor|lzma) means rep+tor for 1 core, rep+lzma for 2+ cores (i.e. use parens to alter only part of line depending on number of cores) * -m=(|x)tor means tor for 1 core, xtor for 2+ cores (i.e. it's just a text replacement so you can do it on any part of line) * use "arc --print-config" to see how new syntax used to define -m1..-m4 methods * don't forget to use quotes around options containing "|" in cmdline! example: arc a archive "-m=lzmafast|normal)" dispack: * option :b allows to control block size: dispack:b8m * default block size is 64mb * memory usage: compression - 3.25*blocksize, decompression - 2.25*blocksize, other changes: * zip/rar/7z/... archives now opens in FreeArc when double-clicked in Explorer * disabled "New archive" Explorer command since we don't yet support Drag&Drop * when GUI operation finished, uiMessage==" " so that this label no more shrinked * fixed bug: Tornado compression allocated 2.5*dict memory, now it's 1.5*dict * new ukrainian translation by ruduk Finally, FreeArc provides 100% cpu utilixzation in fast modes (-m1..4). If you need maximum m/t compression (like 7zip -mx9 -m=lzma2), -mex5..9 should be used, that are bit worser than -m5..9. One drawback of new scheme is that the same compression mode (say, -m4) on m/t cpu becomes much faster but provides even less compression that on single-core - this looks rather awkward, so i may need to rebalance entire methods line |