Silver Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору dmitro379 Вот что говорит о Ватерфокс Классик на Гитхабе внештатный программист hawkeye116477, который прилагает много сил в кодинге продукта (еще on 24 Nov 2019): "In case of Waterfox, Classic is legacy branch, so some new things some day may come or not, Current is more promising than Classic. However officially Waterfox team has 1 programmer, so you can't expect much from it. If you want rapid updates, faster following with modern web, then seems this browser isn't for you and you should look for browser which is developed by bigger team like MoonChild or Vivaldi. If you'll look at for example Basilisk changelog => (...releasenotes.shtml), that's not true at all, they took their own path, it's bigger team than in case of Waterfox, so they can do more and faster. Also look at => (...MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues), they already have new things in plans." Тупиковая ветка. Поддерживается, пока есть возможности. В основном, только патчи безопасности, которые совместимы. Со временем отомрет. В силу этого, подобные процессы неудивительны. | Всего записей: 4132 | Зарегистр. 10-07-2020 | Отправлено: 16:17 27-01-2021 | Исправлено: Naytaco, 16:19 27-01-2021 |