Full Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Grey68 Запусти его из консоли (cmd.exe), avcls.exe /? - он выдаст параметры своей командной строки. И не погаснет... А впрочем вот: AntiVir/Win32-Console Version, (Jan 29 2008, 18:11:09) Copyright(c) 2007 Avira GmbH Usage is: AVCLS [options] [path[\*.ext]] [*.ext] where options are: -? / -h ......... display the help text -allfiles ....... scan all files -defext ......... use the default extension list for scanning -allboot ........ scan all boot records -alldrives ...... scan all drives -allhard ........ scan all hard disks -allremote ...... scan all network drives -wub ............ save unknown boot records to file '.\UKB.SAV' -s .............. scan subdirectories -z .............. files in archives will be extracted and scanned -noboot ......... do not check any boot records -nombr .......... do not check any master boot records -nobreak ........ disable Ctl-C and Ctrl-Break -v .............. verbose scan mode -nopack ......... do not scan inside packed files -e [-del | -ren] repair detected files if possible [-del] non-repairable files will be deleted [-ren] non-repairable files will be renamed -ren ............ rename detected files (*.COM->*.VOM,...) -del ............ delete detected files -dmnoheur ....... disable macro heuristic -dmdel .......... delete documents containing suspicious macros -dmdas .......... delete all macros if one appears to be suspicious -dmse ........... set exit code to 101 if any macro was found -heuristic[:|=]1 heuristic detection rate low -heuristic[:|=]2 heuristic detection rate medium -heuristic[:|=]3 heuristic detection rate high -r1 ............. just log infections and warnings -r2 ............. log all scanned paths in addition -r3 ............. log all scanned files -r4 ............. select verbose log mode -rs ............. select single-line log messages -rf<filename> ... name of log file ?d = day, ?m = month, ?y = year (two digits each) -ra ............. append new log data to existing file -ro ............. overwrite existing log file -q .............. quiet mode -lang[:|=]DE .... use German texts -lang[:|=]EN .... use English texts -once ........... run AVCLS only once a day -tmp<dir> ....... specify the directory for temporary files -x<dir> ......... AVCLS looks for its files e.g. 'antivir3.vdf' in <dir> -if<filename> ... AVCLS uses the given ini file -kf<filename> ... AVCLS uses the given license file -with-<type> .... detect unwanted programs, like "dial", "joke", "game", "bdc" "heur-dblext", "pck", "spr", "adspy", "appl" the following types are enabled by default: "dial", "bdc", "heur-dblext", "adspy" -without-<type>.. like --with-<type>, but disables this type -alltypes ....... combination of all known -with-<type> options -qua-<type> <dir> the quarantine function enables detected files to be isolate in special directory by specifying: "qua-move <dir>", "qua-copy <dir>" or rather "-qua-restore <dir>", "-qua-delete <dir> to restore or delete files @<rspfile> ...... read parameters from the file <rspfile> with each option in a separate line list of return codes: 0: Normal program termination, no malware, no error 1: Detection pattern was found in a file or boot sector 2: A detection pattern was found in memory 3: Suspicious file found 100: AVCLS only has displayed this help text 101: A macro was found in a document file 102: The parameter -once was given and AVCLS already ran today 200: Program aborted, not enough memory available 201: The given response file could not be found 202: Within a response file another @<rsp> directive was found 203: Invalid parameter 204: Invalid (non-existent) directory given at command line 205: The log file could not be created 210: AVCLS could not find a necessary dll file 211: Programm aborted, because the self check failed 212: Virus definition file could not be found or read error 213: An error occured during initialisation examples: scan all files on drive C: AVCLS -s C:\* scan, repair & delete damaged/overwritten files on drives C: and D: AVCLS C:\ D:\ -s -e |