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PeaZip — свободный (GNU LGPL) и бесплатный кроссплатформенный портативный архиватор и графическая оболочка для других архиваторов.
Исходный код программы написан на Free Pascal с использованием Lazarus. PeaZip распространяется для Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 9x и GNU/Linux как в инсталляционных пакетах (установка для Windows, DEB, RPM, TGZ), так и в портативных версиях, которые не вносят ни каких изменений в операционную систему.
PeaZip поддерживает собственный формат архивов Pea (с поддержкой сжатия, многотомных архивов, и гибкой системы шифрования и контроля целостности), и другие форматы, используя для многих из них внешние программы и библиотеки.

Всего записей: 8095 | Зарегистр. 19-07-2004 | Отправлено: 22:09 12-08-2008 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 16:23 12-11-2024
Ivan 3259 r1

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PeaZip 6.0.1 2016 04 30

Pea 0.54, implementing new PEA file format specifications 1.1 version
added support to SHA-3 256 and 512 bit hash
added support to Twofish and Serpent (128 and 256 bit) based authenticated encryption in EAX mode
new pea binary can read PEA 1.0 file format
previous pea binaries should be updated in order to read PEA 1.1 files, and to support all new algorithms
(Linux) Updated p7zip from 15.09 beta to 15.14
Updated following units from Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto and utilities library: aes_2015-09-14.zip, crc_hash_2015-09-14.zip, fca_2015-09-14.zip, util_2015-09-14.zip
Created new EAX units using 128 and 256 bit Twofish (fcryptt, fctf256) and Serpent (fcrypts, fcsp256)
Introduced support for SHA-3 256 and SHA-3 512 hash verification
SHA-3 hash is available both in file tools "Checksum/hash file(s)" and in browser (set in Options > File Tools)
Various fixes and improvements
New "File" group in archiving/extraction context menu shows bookmarked and recent archive files, for quick adding to archiving/extraction layout

Всего записей: 1213 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2016 | Отправлено: 13:34 30-04-2016
Ivan 3259 r1

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PeaZip 6.0.2   2016 05 12

(Windows) Updated 7z backend from 15.14 to 16.00 after Cisco Talos vulnerability disclosure http://blog.talosintel.com/2016/05/multiple-7-zip-vulnerabilities.html
Fixed sorting for packed size
Updated embedded translations

Всего записей: 1213 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2016 | Отправлено: 22:17 12-05-2016
Ivan 3259 r1

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PeaZip 6.0.3   2016 06 19

Updated pea backend to 0.55, and 7z backend to 16.02

Всего записей: 1213 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2016 | Отправлено: 22:17 19-06-2016
Ivan 3259 r1

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PeaZip 6.1.0   2016 07 22

Archive directory tree is shown in navigation sidebar while browsing an archive (above Bookmarks) and can be used for navigation or quick exploration of archive directory structure
Added Expand/collapse archive tree toggle in quick history menu, allowing quick inspection of directory structure inside the archive
In-archive breadcrumb improved, now showing list of directories from nodes dropdown menu, consistently with filesystem breadcrumb section
File browser now shows .exe icons on Windows
Can now set starting directory in Options > Settings > Advanced: last visited (default), computer's root, desktop, home, custom (user selected directory)
Fixed showing directories even if omitted in archive TOC
Fixed sorting files without extensions
Various fixes and improvements

Всего записей: 1213 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2016 | Отправлено: 13:36 22-07-2016
The Unforgiven

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PeaZip 6.1.1   2016-09-10

(Linux) p7zip updated to 16.02
Pea 0.56
Settings, archiving, and extraction screens made scrollable for better readability
Various minor improvements and fixes
File tools
CRC64 now is included in set of default algorithms
default algorithm for the browser can now be set from context menu File manager > File Tools
Password button moved on the right of output dialog for better visibility
Some options were moved to Advanced options panels for archiving and extraction
"Use advanced filters" moved to Advanced options panel (archiving and extraction)
"Enumerate folder content" and "Add timestamp to archive name", plus timestamp format option, moved to Advanced options panel (archiving)
Some options, previously volatile, are now saved to configuration
"Delete after archiving / extraction" option is now remembered, but user will always be warned by confirmation prompt before proceeding, in order to avoid accidental deletion
"Add timestamp to archive name" (archiving) is now remembered

Всего записей: 3665 | Зарегистр. 20-12-2001 | Отправлено: 13:24 11-09-2016

Platinum Member
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PeaZip 6.2.0   2016 11 06

(Windows) Updated 7z backend to 16.04
Pea 0.58
Can now save list of items being browsed to TXT file, Navigation > Save as TXT
Reorganized keyboad shortcuts
Ctrl+O open selected item as archive
Ctrl+D toggle bookmarks panel
Ctrl+H toggle history panel
Ctrl+Alt+H toggle session history panel
Separated Add and Convert dropdown menus
Single "Extract" button for simplicity - quick extraction action/options are now all featured in Extract button dropdown menu
Browser, and archive/extraction screens, shows "filter" icon when advanced filters are set
Updated Ten teme
Archiving and extraction screens shows cumulative progress bar when executing multiple operations
Improved command line options
added -ext2simple and -ext2simplefolder as "blanket" extraction command for all backend, first parameter specify output path; password is asked interactively (GUI); "folder" variant extracts to new folder
Various fixes

Всего записей: 10064 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 14:00 06-11-2016

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PeaZip 6.3.0   2017 01 01

Improved DPI awareness
New command line directive "-peaziplanguage" to programmatically change application's localization
second parameter is the name of the localization file, proper localization directory "lang" is resolved by the program
example: peazip.exe -peaziplanguage it.txt
please note if other instances of PeaZip are open, they will overwrite language in configuration when they close
Added hamburger menu button in tabs bar to provide alternative access to archiving/extraction context menu
Improved archive creation screen
Added installer-mode sfx modules for 7z (advanced options tab)
Replicated archiving action options in main options page (7z/p7zip supported types)
Provided new update options: update only items already in archive (ignore extra items on disk), and synchronize archive with content on disk (remove items from archive if removed from disk)
Improved Windows installer
Archiving, extraction, browsing, and tools groups are now divided by separators for ease of use
"CRC, hash and file tools" (PeaUtils) was added as default entry
Localization can now be set from installer

Всего записей: 10064 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 17:16 01-01-2017

Platinum Member
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PeaZip 6.3.1   2017 02 06

Various fixes
Minor visual updates

Всего записей: 10064 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 20:46 06-02-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 20:46 06-02-2017

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PeaZip 6.4.0   2017 03 26

pea 0.61
crc/hash marks duplicate files
shows number of copies found
to find duplicates, value of best checksum or hash algorithm is checked
(PeaUtils GUI) secure delete removes items from list if successfully erased
(Linux x86-64) p7zip 16.02
Various fixes, visual updates and code cleanup
Added tabbed browsing
Tab bar is toggled from "Tab bar" entry available in from main menu > Organize, and in address bar and tab bar context menus
Tab bar is also shown clicking on "Open in a new tab" in context menu
Tabs can be added, deleted, moved, and resized
Added rename options (context menu, File manager > Rename) : prepend and append parent directory name
Improved rename dialog (F2)
Added option to archive and extract using relative, full, or absolute paths (non-persistent value, in advanced options) for 7z / p7zip supported archive formats
Improved archive conversion
If "Add each object to a separate archive" is checked (default), no extra root foder is added to the converted archive (supported for conversion toward all 7z/p7zip formats)
If the option is unchecked (consolidate multiple archives into one), it is added an extra folder with archive name to keep content separated

Всего записей: 10064 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 18:40 26-03-2017

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PeaZip 6.4.1   2017 04 30

Added experimental privacy_mode directive (at current state can be changed only from configuration file, or hardcoded at compile time)
meant to help users not forgetting to provide a password when working on sensitive data
0 default, no password request
1 application asks for password when stars, skippable
2 application asks for password when starts, not skippable (password or keyfile must be provided)
Rightclicking on file manager's column header shows context menu for
customizing columns
applying on the fly checksum/hash, search for duplicates, and set algorithm for those two functions
save GUI content as tab-separated TXT file
Clicking the style icon on the right of the status bar shows menu of presets for file manager
Style icon now changes reflecting the style applied to the file manager
New "Navigation bar" entry in status bar menu show/hide side navigation bar
(Windows) Drag and drop information floyout changes alpha blending level when a valid drop target is detected
Some keyboard shortcuts were updated
Shift+Ctrl+N create new folder
Ctrl+N extract to new folder
Shift+Del quick delete (do not sent to recycle bin)
Ctrl+Del secure delete
Alt+Enter properties
Various improvements in archive browsing
Various improvements of UI usability with custom system colors
During archive update only relevant options are shown, allowing to set password and to change action (add, update, freshen, sync)
Improved Windows installer and re-configuration wizard
Added system's context menu hotkeys for most used entries
A add to archive (with options)
7 directly add to new 7Z archive
Z directly add to new ZIP archive
O attempt to open any file as archive
B browse path with PeaZip
E extract (with options)
H directly extract here
N directly extract here to new folder

Всего записей: 10064 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 19:53 30-04-2017

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PeaZip 6.5.0

(Windows) 7z 17.01 beta
(Windows) zipx 7.15
UPX 3.94
Updated GUI and themes
Can now move and rename objects inside existing archives (7z/p7zip supported formats)
Added option to force browsing of archives containing errors (default off)
Added option to show which options are volatile (context dependent) rather than persistent
Improved archive conversion
"Change password" switch (default off) asks to provide a new password to be applied to converted archive(s), otherwise current password (if any) will be applied - decompression stage test current password for each input archive, asking new password in case of error
Improved support for WIM format
in archiving and extraction interfaces, Advanced tab, were added options to operate including NT security information and NTFS Alternate Data Stream
file manager shows SHA-1 hash value for items in WIM archives
Scheduled deletion after archiving/extraction will not be performed if errors are detected
Privacy directive is available as GUI option
0 default, no password request
1 application asks for password when starts, skippable
2 application asks for password when starts, not skippable (password or keyfile must be provided)
Updated Wolfgang Ehrhardt's crypto library units
Various fixes and improvements

Всего записей: 10064 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 10:56 22-10-2017

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PeaZip 6.5.1   2018 02 18

(Windows) 7z 18.01 to fix CVE-2017-17969 and CVE-2018-5996 vulnerabilities in the 17.x backend
Updated Wolfgang Ehrhardt's libraries aes_2017-11-17, crc_hash_2018-01-01, fca_2017-11-17, serpent_2017-11-17, tf_2017-11-17, util_2018-01-01
Updates to compile with Lazarus 1.8.0 IDE (change to TShellTreeView Path, workaround for TImageList Clear)
Various fixes

Всего записей: 10064 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 17:50 18-02-2018

Silver Member
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PeaZip 6.6.0

    Updated to 7z 18.05
        patches CVE-2018-10115 vulnerability
        patches bug on some Windows 10 versions working incorrectly with Large memory pages
        improves performances
    Added new fast function for hinting possible duplicates
        Possible duplicates shows exactly same size, and same CRC32 calculated on sample(s) of file's data
            For files up to 64 KB data it is sampled a 32 KB region at the beginning of the file
            For files larger than 64 KB a second 32KB region is sampled after the half of the file
    Added option to reset search history in search menu
    Various fixes and improvements
    New option "Try to edit non explicitly supported file types" in Options > Settings > Archive manager off by default in order to protect from modification files outside known supported extensions if on, allows to try to add/update and remove files form files not usually employed as archives, but structurally based on archive types such as Java jar, MS Office and OOo files, etc

Всего записей: 4202 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2013 | Отправлено: 20:44 06-05-2018

Platinum Member
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PeaZip 6.6.1   2018 10 28

Updated backend to UPX 3.95
Various fixes
Added option to force extraction of unknown file types with PeaZip
check "Extract unsupported file types" option on Advanced tab of extraction screen
check "PeaZip" to force using PeaZip as extractor (default), uncheck "PeaZip" to define a custom extractor
Fixed issue in extraction of ACE files (unace plugin is required, no need to re-download / re-install the existing plugin)
Fixed issues preventing tasks being launched from Console tab in some cases
Working path can be now set to output, temp, custom (user defined directory), or none

Всего записей: 10064 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 20:16 28-10-2018

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PeaZip 6.7.0  2019 02 10

Updated to Pea 0.65
Updated to 7z 18.06
Updated to Wolfgang Ehrhardt math libray util_2018-11-27
Various fixes and improvements
can now convert images to Windows icon .ico format
fixed bug in redundant directory removal in "Extract to new folder"
fixed bug preventing opening some archives created on Unix systems
fixed bug showing incorrect file count for displayed archive content in some cases
Multiple archiving and extraction tasks are now performed in a signle instance of the graphic launcher, which is easier to hide / move / resize on screen
upper progress bar shows progress of the current task, progress bar on the bottom of the form shows overall progress (if multiple tasks are launched)
Previewing files in archive can now be disallowed - avoids leftover data even in cases of system crash or if the application is forcedly arrested - setting Working path to new option "None (no preview)"
Command line switch -ext2full remapped to -ext2main, in order to avoid duplication of analogous functions now main program's extraction form is the standard UI for full featured extraction
Reduced package size transforming PeaLauncher from standalone executable to form of PeaZip application  

Всего записей: 4202 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2013 | Отправлено: 14:14 10-02-2019

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PeaZip 6.7.1  2019 03 17

Updated to 7z 19.00
Recompiled with Lazarus 2.0
Various fixes
Drag and drop extraction results in hiding the main form, consistently to behavior from Extraction and Archiving screens
Extraction: "Smart new folder" option improves and replaces "Remove redundant directory" option
if the new folder contains a single object (file or folder), content is copied outside and the extra folder is removed (removes extra folder layer and preserves original names of archived folders), if copying the content outside the new folder fails, the content is kept in the new folder
smart extraction is meant to guarantee that a single item is extracted, to avoid flooding target directory of multiple unexpected items, and that no unneeded level of directory nesting is added
Improved GUI feedback during preliminary steps of archives conversion and "TAR before" procedures
Improved GUI feedback running option to delete original sources
Improved information shown about running archiving / extraction tasks
(Windows) Extraction from context menu results in a single queue consistently with behavior from Extraction screen, and consistently with archiving from context menu
(Windows) "Extract here (to new folder)" context menu entry now enforces creation of new folder level (disable smart new folder)
(Windows) "Extract here (smart)" context menu entry (new) enforces using smart new folder option
this item is now flagged by default during installation in place of "Extract here (to new folder)"- can be changed during installation

Всего записей: 4202 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2013 | Отправлено: 13:32 17-03-2019

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PeaZip 7.1.1

2020 03 08
Various fixes and improvements
improved efficiency of context menu entries
improved file renaming
Updated application and antivirus automatically detected in "Open with" menu
Improved support to Windows Defender and MBAM to scan files from PeaZip archive/file browser
Improved editing files in archive
dialog to update modified preview files now allow 3 choices
"Yes / Clear" update the archive and clear temporary preview data (as in previous versions), mimimize disk occupation and time data is left on the disk
"Yes" update the archive and let temporary preview data on disk to allow instantaneously re-opening files, not needing new extraction, in order to perform new edits
"No" discard changes clearing temporary preview data (as in previous versions)
Added support for Microsoft MSIX app package and ESD image formats
Improved Windows installer
new default language option is to do not change current installation language
"Add to archive" and "Extract to..." context menu entries are now optional and can be unchecked

Всего записей: 1654 | Зарегистр. 12-04-2012 | Отправлено: 22:11 08-03-2020

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Кто-нибудь пользуется этим творением.  
Почему может не работать контекстное меню???
А нее, апдейт.  
В виндовом проводнике работает, а в тотал командере нет. У тотала что другое контекстное меню?  
7-zip работает и там и там через контекстное меню без проблем

Всего записей: 39 | Зарегистр. 24-01-2006 | Отправлено: 00:34 16-05-2020 | Исправлено: dwnld, 00:50 16-05-2020

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> В виндовом проводнике работает, а в тотал командере нет. У тотала что другое контекстное меню?  
насколько помню, если битность винды и командера разные, то их контекстные меню вполне могут отличаться

Всего записей: 87 | Зарегистр. 12-11-2006 | Отправлено: 02:09 16-05-2020

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PeaZip меньше чем за минуту создает архивы в 800 мегабайт,удобный и бесплатный.

Всего записей: 327 | Зарегистр. 12-09-2019 | Отправлено: 17:44 16-05-2020
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