Silver Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору По поводу счётчиков, которые засчитывают загрузки, у меня под рукой тексты только по Симанки, поскольку я по ней отслеживаю материалы и просто помню, где они лежат. Но релизы Файрокса лежат там же и ссылки-редиректы всегда аналогичные, так что принцип тот же. Только у Фокса общее число таких официальных ссылок больше - на всякие-разные сборки типа локализованных, а у Симанки всего три ссылки засчитываются. http://home.kairo.at/blog/2007-06/380k_downloads_for_seamonkey_1_1_1 Цитата: To be exact, the "bouncer" download redirecting tool recorded 381,196 downloads for SeaMonkey 1.1.1 from its release on February 28 until the release of 1.1.2 yesterday - for the three main download links on our websites only, i.e. Windows installer, Linux installer and MacOS X Disk Image, in English language. Downloads of any other builds (.zip or tarballs, other platforms and other languages) are not counted, as well as downloads that are issued directly from FTP servers, or through other means of distribution (Linux distro packages, etc.) - so the real number is probably significantly higher, but we don't know such numbers. What we know are bouncer statistics (links to download.mozilla.org go through this tool), and only those ... Entry written by KaiRo and posted on June 1st, 2007 | http://home.kairo.at/blog/2007-08/a_look_at_1_8m_seamonkey_downloads Цитата: As already stated previously, downloads of any other builds (.zip or tarballs, other platforms and other languages) are not counted, as well as downloads that are issued directly from FTP servers, or through other means of distribution (Linux distro packages, etc.) - so the real number of SeaMonkey downloads is in the dark to us, but the counts of the three main download links should cover a significant portion of our downloads. And usually, when I poke the Mozilla build team to add new download links for a release to the bouncer tool, I also ask them for the current numbers. As of today, when we added the 1.1.4 release, the counted downloads for SeaMonkey versions from 1.0 to 1.1.3 sum up to over 1.8 million downloads already! ... Entry written by KaiRo and posted on August 4th, 2007 | http://home.kairo.at/blog/2007-12/2_5_million_tracked_seamonkey_downloads Цитата: I have stated this in the last such posts, but just for clarity: All statistics we have are from the main 3 links to our official release builds, i.e. those that go to download.mozilla.org, as those go through the "bouncer" tool that also keeps track of download numbers. Downloads of any other builds (.zip or tarballs, other platforms and other languages) are not counted, as well as downloads that are issued directly from FTP servers, or through other means of distribution (Linux distro packages, etc.) - so the real number of SeaMonkey downloads is in the dark to us, but the counts of the three main download links should cover a significant portion of our downloads. The total number for all SeaMonkey downloads tracked by bouncer is now up to over 2.5 million - 2,559,247 exactly at the time I took the statistics, which was on Friday, shortly after we had announced the 1.1.7 release. ... Entry written by KaiRo and posted on December 3rd, 2007 | Home of KaiRo: 3 Million (Tracked) SeaMonkey Downloads! http://home.kairo.at/blog/2008-02/3_million_tracked_seamonkey_downloads Цитата: As with my last blog post on that topic, those numbers are once again only from the main three links we have, which run through download.mozilla.org (US English Win/Linux installers and Mac disk image) - other builds, including localizations are excluded, so the real number would probably be even higher (given that FF reports 50% of downloads being localized builds) ... Entry written by KaiRo and posted on February 17th, 2008 | То есть, кому откуда качать - личное дело, конечно, но если вы скачали не по официальной ссылке типа этой: https://www.mozilla.com/products/download.html?product=firefox-3.0&os=win&lang=ru и не в течение оставшихся суток, то вы в таком случае не участвовали в рекорде и не рассказывайте потом правнукам, что, якобы, имели к этому всемирно-историческому событию какое-то отношение.))) |