Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору The Bat! 3.0 beta 1 http://thread.gmane.org/2602810123232820134@ritlabs.com Цитата: From: "Maxim Masiutin" <max @ ritlabs.com> Subject: The Bat! 3.0 beta 1 Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 21:24:58 +0300 List-Id: tbbeta.thebat.dutaint.com [-] (#0003464) S/MIME decryption could have given an AV (in Beta/7-8 only) [-] NFS : not all filter actions are copied [-] NFS : automatically created messages stay in Outbox even if filter has 'send now' option [-] UI : minor fixes [-] NFS : sometimes filter body was changed [+] NFS : Selective download filters [-] NFS : paste created new filter [-] NFS : AV on delete long condition [-] IMAP: minor fixes [-] Backup/Restore: #0003270 [-] NFS: IMAP fixes [+] Lng: TB! understands resource string modifications like |000ADFFF which move/change size of controls (like BayesIt) [-] Other: minor changes http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/tb300b01.rar -- | Главная новость - за апгрейд на 3.0 придётся ещё раз платить, причём именно за реализацию тех функций, что были обещаны в 2.0 Новость подаётся с весёлым нажимом, саундтреком и спецэффектами. Кажется они всей командой вместо работы некоторое время ходили на соответствующий психотренинг? "Представьте себе, что 3.x это как бы тот самый 2.x, который был бы выпущен чуть попозже" Цитата: From: "Maxim Masiutin" <max @ ritlabs.com> Subject: Re[2]: The Bat! 3.0 beta 1 Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 22:56:45 +0300 >>Beta 1 of TB! 3.0? Makes me wonder if every time Ritlabs add new icons >>a new version is announced. >>I can't see why I should pay for a new version now, when the only >>thing I get is slow IMAP support and a new filtering system which >>seems to be rather buggy. You will be able to use the old icon set or even the icons of The Bat! v1. The Bat! 3.0 has taken the developers a year of work. If we weren't released The Bat! since 2.0 the list had been quite impressive. Buy paying for 3.0 the users get the whole bunch of new things that will be appear in The Bat! 3.xx in future. Also, The Sorting Office has a new flow chart style front end, which really simplifies the management of message filtering. -- | Цитата: From: "Maxim Masiutin" <max @ ritlabs.com> Subject: Re[4]: The Bat! 3.0 beta 1 Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 23:27:05 +0300 Hello Kevin J. Menard, Jr., You are right that we've didn't completely fix IMAP up to date, but you see that IMAP is recovering, it is getting better and better, we aren't stopping it. There is a steady progress on IMAP field in the last few months. We are really going to make it perfect. -- | Добавлено А вот подведение итогов для версий 2.x Цитата: From: "Maxim Masiutin" <max @ ritlabs.com> Subject: Re[2]: The Bat! 3.0 beta 1 Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 00:34:35 +0300 Hello Dirk, Monday, August 30, 2004, 0:23:41, you wrote: >>- A buggy IMAP support >>- Mail Chat: who asked for this? >>- Rogues: dito >>- NFS: not yet tried, but the old system was working for me >>- Virtual folders: nice to have - completely new filtering system, easier to understand and better to manage; - automatic filtering on IMAP; - mail chat (instant messager via simple mail protocols pop3/smtp); - chat virtual folders for watching conversation threads or waiting for replies to specific messages; - right-to-left text editor for eastern languages; - more anti-spam options; - built-in Bayesian anti-spam plugin; - support for Microsoft Office Keyboard commands; - virtual folders and Folder View Modes; - connectivity to MS Exchange servers; - new signed MSI installation - improved XP-friendly interface, and possiblity to apply different skins to the program interface. -- | Добавлено На тесте (Ctr+Shift+Alt+t) в этой бете висит проба давно обещаного альтернативного интерфейса для настройки свойств нескольких папок одним махом. | Всего записей: 956 | Зарегистр. 19-09-2001 | Отправлено: 03:26 31-08-2004 | Исправлено: 4get, 04:23 31-08-2004 |