Silver Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору RandyOrton Цитата: Драйвера звука то нет. Имеющиеся для SB128PCI вызывают зависание. Кому нужны игры без звука? | Вот фишка-то вся в том, что старые ДОСовские игрухи сплошь и рядом использовали восьмибитный звук. А теперешние звуковухи о нем и слышать не хотят. С ними можно еще выбрать между 16 и 24-битным, а 8-битный звук - это фи, отстой! Нихт ферштейн! А вот как на счет DOSBox? Цитата оттуда: Цитата: Several companies are using DOSBox to re-release old DOS games. GOG.com, a digital distribution website dedicated to old games, is one of the major users of our program; we sat down for a chat with Pawel (GOG.com technical department), Lukasz (public relations) and Guillaume (manager): What made you decide to use DOSBox, instead of creating your own? Pawel: Before we launched GOG.com, we did think about creating our own software for emulating DOS environment under Windows, unfortunately time was crucial here and we decided to use DOSBox instead. Having our own software would have its advantages, but then DOSBox is an acclaimed and the best working DOS emulator out there, with hundreds of thousands (or even millions) users who test it on different hardware. In short these were the reasons we decided to use DOSBox, cant complain we did that. Do you receive a lot of support requests for the third party products you use (DOSBox/ScummVM)? Pawel: Actually we dont see many support tickets concerning technical problems with games that run on DOSBox or ScummVM. Using DOSBox and ScummVM makes our life easier, as usually those emulators work miracles with DOS based games. This allows us focusing on games with problems which can't be solved by those two programs. | Ну - и т.д. В смысле - да, не все игрухи ходят под DOSBox, есть отдельные упертые, но большинство поддается. |