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Лечение программы - Варезник
VSO ConvertXtoDVD
Представляет собой интегрированный пакет для создания с нуля, полнофункционального DVD-диска практически из любого видео-файла. Поддерживается работа практически со всеми форматами видео и звуковыми треками. Начиная с версии 5.хх поддерживается расширенное редактирование видеоматериала. Интерфейс программы крайне прост, достаточно указать источник, настроить меню, а мастер автоматически сделает все необходимые действия, и через примерно 90 минут будет создан готовый к записи DVD-диск, который впоследствии можно проиграть практически на любом проигрывателе.  

ОС: Windows 7/8/10/11    
Домашняя страница | История версий | Скачать актуальную версию: 7.xx | Русификатор: (v. / (v.

GrampaD's ConvertXtoDVD 4+ Advanced Template Editing Guide
- Расширенное руководство, включает выжимку из всех сообщений на форуме(Eng)
Анимированные Backgrounds посмотреть и скачать
ConvertXtoDVD Free Menu Templates
VSO Batcher - пакетный обработчик проектов, VSO Batcher v. / VSO Batcher v.
Для правильной работы конвертируемые видео файлы должны ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО!!! находится в папке с названием на латинице! Рускоязычное название папки с файлами вызовет ошибку!  
Русификатор для VSO Batcher v. MSILab

Утилита от разработчиков для полного удаления продуктов VSO: CleanVSO

Всего записей: 1 | Зарегистр. 07-02-2006 | Отправлено: 02:35 07-02-2006 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 15:13 14-06-2023

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VSO ConvertXtoDVD   January 17th 2017

- 0012312: [Bug] DTS audio tracks are not remuxed even if I select "Automatic" and uncheck "Convert DTS to AC-3" in audio settings (cedric) - resolved.

VSO ConvertXtoHD   January 17th 2017

- 0012313: [Bug] DTS audio tracks are not remuxed even if I select "Automatic" and uncheck "Convert DTS to AC-3" in audio settings (cedric) - resolved.


Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 18:07 17-01-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 18:37 17-01-2017

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ConvertXtoDVD Beta   (Released 2017-02-06)

- 0012569: [Bug] Issue with Smallville DVDs (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012574: [Bug] app hangs after a successful conversion/burn - must kill with task manager (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD Beta   (Released 2017-02-07)

- 0012590: [Bug] Exception when closing output tab (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012587: [Bug] Display issues in preview when paused or stopped and layers are active (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD Beta

- 0012354: [Bug] when some files merged audio video on 2nd video is not in sync (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012364: [Bug] Sync issue on output (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012592: [Bug] Remxed subtitles are black (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012597: [Bug] audio normalization not working (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD Beta   (Released 2017-02-15)

- 0012618: [Bug] DVD Analyser - Titles wrongly named in filter mode (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012603: [Bug] changes made to chapter settings in default settings are not always imported to current project (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009250: [Information] treeview seems interactive but is not when converting (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009578: [Bug] updating wording to use the same as in default settings "Delete folder after successful burn" (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010345: [Feature Request] add hint also to drop down selection in subtitle editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010596: [Bug] finalize and finalise - wording consistency (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012607: [Suggestion] clean up about window (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012604: [Bug] unchecking "use source chapter if available " does not add chapters every 5 min even if that option is checked (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012608: [Bug] Audio normalization - If cancelled, won't be able to start again (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD Beta

- 0012633: [Bug] Audio normalization - Disable remux when normalization is requested (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012593: [Bug] When both add chapters every X mins and use original chapter points are selected, both are added to video (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010952: [Information] navigate using arrows in global settings does not update display in left panel (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010949: [Bug] during chapter menu rendering always displays "0 fps" but conversion completes (cedric) - resolved.

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 14:57 07-02-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 12:53 20-02-2017

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VSO ConvertXtoDVD
История версий  
Ссылку сменил, спасибо Dror
VSO ConvertXtoHD  
История версий

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 12:53 20-02-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 16:43 20-02-2017

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VSO ConvertXtoDVD

Пока по твоей ссылке качается
Правильная ссылка http://download.vso-software.fr/vsoConvertXtoDVD6_setup.exe

kalach - он везде kalach, пусть и тёртый

Всего записей: 10496 | Зарегистр. 23-03-2006 | Отправлено: 14:07 20-02-2017

Platinum Member
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Пока по твоей ссылке качается
Уже была такая ситуация, я перед отправкой новости скачиваю, смотрю версию  

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 14:16 20-02-2017

Platinum Member
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ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0012639: [Bug] Menu editor - some text customizations are not rememnbered (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012637: [Feature Request] Menu editor: Add tip for resizing (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012640: [Bug] Log window appears when closing template editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012641: [Bug] Menu editor - Broken link between video and audio in movie & series templates (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012642: [Bug] When closing app, cancelling project saving closes the program (felicia) - resolved.
This new major version includes a new menu template editor. You can now create and save your own menu templates!
It offers advanced customization options: number of times per page, thumbnails to be added or not, offset, menu item animations, add your own buttons, sounds, etc…

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 20:39 03-03-2017

Platinum Member
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ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0012714: [Feature Request] Add setting to import file metadata (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012712: [Bug] Source chapters always restored when loading project (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012696: [Bug] Video stream discarded in favor of attached pict (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012693: [Crash] Program freezes if minimized while burning ends (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012687: [Suggestion] check writing rights when user selects output folder (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012673: [Bug] Code page selector does not stay open (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012670: [Bug] advanced subtitles window can open up in with odd display of settings stretched out (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012656: [Bug] chapter names not saved in chapter list when saved (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012652: [Bug] Resolution dropdown cropped (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012650: [Bug] Changes to video filters not visible if preview is on pause (felicia) - resolved.

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 23:14 07-03-2017

Platinum Member
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ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0012726: [Bug] Can't write to ISO in working directory. (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012747: [Bug] says "conversion failed" when canceling a conversion with audio normalization and cancel conversion during normalization (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012733: [Bug] converting particular subtitle stream makes app crash (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012751: [Bug] with files merged and clicking on "edit menu" menu editor does not open (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012737: [Bug] correct grammar - parsing file dialogue (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012722: [Bug] adjustment to subtitle positions cannot be change (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0012774: [Bug] update menu text accordingly when audio output format is changed (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012781: [Suggestion] template creator - when selecting button overlay with an image uncheck "use text as selector" (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012776: [Information] improve speed of audio normalization (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012773: [Bug] conversion fails with some audio streams with "convert dts to ac3" UN-checked (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012770: [Feature Request] Open log form on launch if previously visible (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012761: [Feature Request] Remember log form position & size (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012760: [Feature Request] add quick link icon to display log (felicia) - resolved.

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 19:38 13-03-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 19:56 16-03-2017

Gold Member
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Теперь как бы и не бета, а релиз
This new major version includes a new menu template editor. You can now create and save your own menu templates!
It offers advanced customization options: number of times per page, thumbnails to be added or not, offset, menu item animations, add your own buttons, sounds, etc…

Всего записей: 9305 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2009 | Отправлено: 15:08 22-03-2017 | Исправлено: SAT31, 15:08 22-03-2017

Platinum Member
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Нет, это как была Бета так и есть! Сравни ЦП и хеши. Как было 16.03.2016 так и есть сейчас. Я уже проверял

kalach - он везде kalach, пусть и тёртый

Всего записей: 10496 | Зарегистр. 23-03-2006 | Отправлено: 22:17 22-03-2017

Gold Member
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ну я к тому что:
1. В официальном чейнджлоге значится именно эта версия как релиз
2. Ссылка релизная выдает именно этот билд.

Всего записей: 9305 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2009 | Отправлено: 15:21 22-03-2017

Platinum Member
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VSO ConvertXtoHD
История версий

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 16:01 22-03-2017

Platinum Member
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ConvertXtoDVD Beta

- 0012859: [Bug] extra chapters are created in blu-ray structure in trial mode (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012856: [Bug] 2 pass conversions stop at 50% (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012846: [Bug] Particular Blu-Ray not loading (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012834: [Bug] Memory leak when opening cluster (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012832: [Bug] Template editor: Disable overriden item edition (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012741: [Bug] after changing the Title of the Menu page, the change is not saved when saving a project and reopening it (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012829: [Bug] fails to turn off computer after conversion if option turned on (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012790: [Bug] fr translation missing text (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012798: [Bug] Subtitle offset is not working (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012827: [Crash] Crash whith multiple simultaneoud hardware encoding (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012807: [Crash] Program crashes if too many simultaneous conversions are requested (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012796: [Bug] Program not closing properly when launched through batcher (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012789: [Bug] "operation complete" does not play if burning (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD Beta

- 0012873: [Bug] hangs If we Open and Close Preview window during conversion (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012868: [Feature Request] Add color customization to interface themes (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD Beta

- 0012900: [Bug] Improve interface theme color customization form (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012895: [Bug] HTML display issue with some visual themes (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012890: [Bug] hint for smart copy is not correct (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012891: [Bug] project name/disk label in default settings is ignored (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012881: [Bug] still cannot edit Project name (felicia) - resolved.

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 11:44 13-04-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 05:00 20-04-2017

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ConvertXtoDVD   April 20th 2017

- 0012900: [Bug] Improve interface theme color customization form (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012895: [Bug] HTML display issue with some visual themes (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012890: [Bug] hint for smart copy is not correct (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012891: [Bug] project name/disk label in default settings is ignored (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012881: [Bug] still cannot edit Project name (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoHD   April 20th 2017

- 0012902: [Bug] Improve interface theme color customization form (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012897: [Bug] HTML display issue with some visual themes (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012892: [Bug] project name/disk label in default settings is ignored (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012882: [Bug] still cannot edit Project name (felicia) - resolved.

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 17:43 20-04-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 17:45 20-04-2017

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ConvertXtoDVD Beta   May 05, 2017

- 0012950: [Crash] Program doesn't end if closed while conversion is running (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012946: [Feature Request] Use same display in menu settings drop down as in settings treeview (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012939: [Bug] Text fit preventing conversion start (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011990: [Suggestion] display more relevant info in interface about 2 pass conversions (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012931: [Bug] program crashes when try to load image as watermark (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012920: [Bug] some ass subtitles when converted to DVD output are black (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012924: [Bug] DVD source not properly read - crashes if asked to seek to 0 (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012913: [Bug] when you type in the main movie title, it does not appear in the Project Name, as it used to (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0012957: [Feature Request] Add log in case of text fit fail (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012883: [Bug] selecting 'Do not prompt for updates' is ignored (wesson) - resolved.
ConvertXtoDVD -
- slight change to burning engine

ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0012975: [Bug] Text fit not applyed in title menu titleset titles in some legacy templates (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0013002: [Bug] naming of episodes not correct (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012998: [Bug] menu thumbnails are not always the same size (felicia) - resolved.

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 20:17 05-05-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 14:12 16-05-2017

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VSO ConvertXtoDVD   May 17th 2017

- 0013002: [Bug] naming of episodes not correct (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012998: [Bug] menu thumbnails are not always the same size (felicia) - resolved.

VSO ConvertXtoHD   May 17th 2017

- 0013003: [Bug] naming of episodes not correct (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012987: [Bug] menu thumbnails are not always the same size (felicia) - resolved.
- 0012989: [Bug] conversion of dts mono channel to dts stereo - output plays without audio on some players (felicia) - resolved.

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 15:51 17-05-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 16:02 17-05-2017

Platinum Member
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ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0013027: [Feature Request] Configure conversion queuer according to output profile (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013023: [Bug] HTML link highlight only works for firsst tree item (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013015: [Bug] title of menu not as desired-does not use "default project name (also used for disk label)" in burning tab of default settings (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013014: [Bug] when you customize project name or titleset name will revert to original name (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013019: [Bug] Remember skin setting if changed with system menu (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0013034: [Bug] Issue with ts naming when starting with no menu (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD beta

- 0013048: [Bug] Unable to edit bonus titles typesettings in template editor (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013046: [Bug] Menu title not in sync with project name (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011348: [Bug] Change the Title menu and save project with a different name - menu title is overwirtten by Project file name (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013052: [Bug] When clearing project program requests confirmation even if not modified (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013050: [Feature Request] When creating template in case of still image import only screenshot. (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD beta  (2017-05-31)

- 0013071: [Bug] Subtitles missing from Blu-ray sources (felicia) - resolved.

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 17:38 22-05-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 04:55 01-06-2017

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VSO ConvertXtoDVD   June 06th 2017

- 0013071: [Bug] Subtitles missing from Blu-ray sources (felicia) - resolved.

VSO ConvertXtoHD   June 06th 2017

- 0013072: [Bug] Subtitles missing from Blu-ray sources (felicia) - resolved.

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 18:41 06-06-2017

Platinum Member
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ConvertXtoHD Beta

- 0013141: [Bug] Seek fails in menu rendering with merged files (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013135: [Bug] during converting of menus sometimes get over 100% but also interface progress bar goes outside limit (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013136: [Bug] after playing menu in advanced editor and stopping, pause button is not reverted to play button icon (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013132: [Feature Request] volume control for preview window separate from the default volume control on the same screen. (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013125: [Information] Various fixes and improvements (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013036: [Bug] audio normalization is sometimes very slow (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013101: [Feature Request] when editing a thumbnail in menu editor add option "apply to all titles" for padding method (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013067: [Information] menu editor - play button does not turn into a pause button when pushed (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013081: [Bug] final chapters in output are not as displayed in software before conversion (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013109: [Bug] subtitles are not displayed correct (input ASS) they overlap (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013104: [Suggestion] When importing a DVD folder, do not change the case of the words to ALL lower case (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013065: [Bug] menu editor - use a still image for thumbnail (felicia) - resolved.

Юбилейный пост

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 18:58 30-06-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 19:04 30-06-2017

Platinum Member
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ConvertXtoDVD Beta

- 0013148: [Bug] chapter thumbnails of files merged do not correspond with video (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013165: [Bug] error when merging some files (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013169: [Bug] Conversion stops at root menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013156: [Bug] DVD output does not play - menu plays ok but when select to play video it just hangs the player (felicia) - resolved.
- 0013152: [Bug] 2 pass conversions do not work (felicia) - resolved.  

ConvertXtoDVD Beta

- 001317x: [Bug] using preview crashes app (felicia) - resolved.

ConvertXtoDVD Beta

0013212: [Bug] movie doesnt load with drag and drop or if added via file menu get list index out of bounds (felicia)
0013203: [Bug] ugly artifacts when converting sub/idx subtitles embeded (felicia)
0013196: [Bug] using a video as background for chapter menu does not apply to all chapter pages when it should (felicia)
0013190: [Bug] video stream not detected (felicia)
0012553: [Bug] subtitles on output are doubled if embedding subtitles and converting with two pass with particular file (felicia)
0013111: [Feature Request] option to automatically make the length of the menu equal to the length of the menu music loaded (felicia)
0013176: [Feature Request] add a cancel button when unable to create output folder at specific location (rather than force creation of default folder) (felicia)

ConvertXtoDVD Beta

0013221: [Bug] DVD protection wrongly detected (felicia)
0013225: [Bug] If conversion fails in normalization, it is reported as a user cancel (felicia)
0013229: [Bug] Empty message displayed on conversion fail (felicia)
0013217: [Bug] when using audio normalization and converting more than 1 title conversion fails (felicia)
0013148: [Bug] chapter thumbnails of files merged do not correspond with video (felicia)
0013205: [Bug] computer goes to sleep when converting (felicia)

ConvertXtoDVD Beta

0013234: [Bug] No default page select in template editor if only one title is set (felicia)

ConvertXtoDVD Beta   2017-09-07

- 0013273: [Feature Request] Speed up file loading for video structures (felicia)
- 0013242: [Feature Request] Template editor - Add text left & text top option to thumb display (felicia)
- 0013233: [Bug] volume label is truncated when using function "burn an already converted project" (felicia)
- 0013258: [Bug] Chapter's edit forms appear under selected node which causes issues for the last one (felicia)
- 0013246: [Bug] Paste not working in stream name edits (felicia)

Всего записей: 10222 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 16:49 10-07-2017 | Исправлено: ivan3259, 16:13 07-09-2017
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