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Актуальная версия: AutoHotkey 2.0.5 от 12 августа 2023
Версия для Windows XP | Changes from v1.1 to v2.0
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AutoHotkey — бесплатная программа с открытым исходным кодом для создания макросов и автоматизации, позволяющая упростить выполнение повторяющихся задач.
AutoHotkey позволяет изменить интерфейс практически любой программы. Имеет собственный скриптовый язык, специально нацеленный на лёгкое назначение и переназначение горячих клавиш.
AutoHotkey можно использовать для запуска программ, отправки текста, имитации мыши. Скриптовый язык позволяет управлять окнами, файлами и папками. Команды могут быть активированы горячими клавишами.
Также имеются возможности создания GUI, работы с реестром, использования собственного API окон для вызова DLL-файлов. Скрипты можно скомпилировать в EXE-файл и запускать на любом компьютере с Windows соответствующей версии.
Наиболее частое применение AutoHotkey:
- переназначение клавиш (глобально или у отдельных программ)
- управление мышью с помощью клавиатуры или джойстика
- слежение за системой, автоматическое выполнение некоторых действий по желанию пользователя, таких как напоминание, сканирование или резервное копирование

Всего записей: 505 | Зарегистр. 04-03-2004 | Отправлено: 00:28 02-06-2005 | Исправлено: Egor2020, 10:08 21-09-2023
Nick 2003

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- Fixed crash of functions that recursively pass ByRef parameters.


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 06:09 10-03-2006

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AutoHotkey 1.0.43 (March 25, 2006)

NOTE: Although this release has been extensively tested and is not expected to break any existing scripts, several changes were made to the sending of keystrokes and mouse clicks. If you have any mission-critical scripts that rely on such features, it is recommended that they be re-tested or that you wait two weeks for any bugs to get fixed.
Fixed AltGr hotkeys that use Send, such as <^>!m::Send ^c. Also fixed AltGr remappings such as F1::RAlt [thanks foxer]
Fixed inability of VarSetCapacity to free the memory of a ByRef parameter. [thanks corrupt]
Fixed hotstring option b0 to show the ending character where you typed it rather than at the end of the replacement.
Improved the speed and reliability of auto-replace hotstrings by defaulting them to SendInput mode. There is also a new hotstring option to change the sending mode.
Improved the reliability of mouse clicks/drags in cases where the user is physically moving the mouse during the event.
Added commands Click and Send {Click}, which are easier to use than MouseClick. They also compensate if the left/right mouse buttons have been swapped via the control panel.
Added command SendMode, which makes Send synonymous with SendInput or SendPlay rather than the default (SendEvent). It also makes Click and MouseMove/Click/Drag use the specified method.
Added two new methods for sending keystrokes and mouse clicks: SendInput and SendPlay. These are generally faster and more reliable. Also, SendPlay allows keystrokes and hotstrings to be accepted by a broader variety of games.


Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 11:24 26-03-2006
Nick 2003

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- Fixed mouse clicking at unspecified coordinates in particular apps; e.g. Send {LButton} (broken by 1.0.43).
- Fixed tilde hotkeys so that if they remove a hook, their own key doesn't get stuck down (e.g. Mouse Gestures script and ~LCtrl::Hotkey, RButton, Off).


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 19:53 29-03-2006
Nick 2003

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- Fixed raw-mode hotstrings not to send the extra string {Raw} (broken by 1.0.43).
- Changed SendMode:
1) renamed InputThenEvent to Input;
2) added InputThenPlay, which is the same behavior as the former "Input". This was done because SendEvent is less likely to cause compatibility problems than SendPlay.


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 20:07 30-03-2006
Nick 2003

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- Fixed distortion of 16x16 icons loaded via ahk2exe or Menu, Tray, Icon. [thanks Tekl]
- Fixed the following to ignore #MaxMem as documented: VarSetCapacity(), FileRead, ClipboardAll, and ControlGet (ListView). [thanks Dippy46]
- Changed the following to use locale case insensitivity vs. "A-Z only" insensitivity: Hotkey names, Hotstring abbreviations, Menu names, Input's MatchList, and Gui Tab.
- Changed the expression equal operator (=) and the case-insensitive InStr() to use locale case insensitivity when StringCaseSense is Locale or On.
- Improved StringCaseSense with a new option Locale that makes string comparisons case insensitive according to the rules of the current user's locale. For example, most English and Western European locales treat the letters A-Z and ANSI letters like &#196; and &#220; as identical to their lowercase counterparts. [thanks Boskoop & PhiLho]
- Improved the Sort command and ListView sorting with a locale-case-insensitive option.
- Improved mouse wheel hotkeys (WheelDown/Up) to report the number of wheel turns in A_EventInfo, which allows distinguishing between fast and slow wheel movement. [thanks evl]
- Improved FileRead with an option to read only the leading part of a file. [thanks Dippy46].


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 20:09 03-04-2006 | Исправлено: Nick 2003, 20:10 03-04-2006
Nick 2003

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- Fixed crash of characters above Chr(127) in hotstring abbreviations and the locale-search-from-right mode of InStr() and StringGetPos (broken by


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 03:25 05-04-2006
Nick 2003

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- Fixed and improved support for .ICL files (icon libraries), which was broken by
- Changed case sensitivity in hotkey names back to pre- behavior: high ANSI letters like &#196; and &#220; are treated as different hotkeys than their lowercase counterparts.


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 03:48 08-04-2006
Nick 2003

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- Changed ahk_id to operate directly on the specified HWND when it's a control (child). Previously, it operated upon the topmost sub-control if that control had any sub-controls.
- Improved Post/SendMessage to fully support strings put into address variables by the receiver (e.g. PostMessage, Msg, &MyVar).
- Improved support for control HWND as an alternative to control ClassNN: 1) Added a MouseGetPos option to retrieve control HWND; 2) Added "WinGet ControlListHwnd" to retrieve a list of control HWNDs; 3) Added "ControlGet Hwnd" to retrieve the HWND that corresponds to a control's ClassNN.
- Added "GuiControlGet FocusV", which gets the focused control's variable name rather than its ClassNN.


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 09:26 10-04-2006
Nick 2003

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- Fixed inability of "Menu, Tray, Icon" to load icon #1 from file types cpl/scr/drv/ocx/vbx/acm/bpl (broken by Similarly, all icon-capable features have been improved to support these file types.
- Fixed the following legacy commands to accept function-calls containing commas: EnvAdd/Sub, LeftClick(Drag), RightClick(Drag).


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 12:01 17-04-2006

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Changed SendInput to use "SetKeyDelay -1, 0" when it reverts to SendEvent mode (unless SendEvent's KeyDelay "-1,-1", in which case "-1,-1" is used).
Added directive #NoEnv, which is recommended for all new scripts because:
   1. It significantly improves performance whenever empty variables are used in an expression or command. It also improves DllCall's performance when unquoted parameter types are used (e.g. int vs. "int").
   2. It prevents script bugs caused by environment variables whose names unexpectedly match variables used by the script.
   3. A future version of AutoHotkey such as 1.1 might force this behavior into effect for all scripts (though such a change is not expected for at least a year).
Added built-in variables ComSpec and ProgramFiles to ease the transition to #NoEnv.
Added command EnvGet, which retrieves an environment variable.


Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 08:40 18-04-2006

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Fixed SendInput not to revert to SendEvent merely because another script has a mouse hook. Only another keyboard hook should do that. [thanks baby-luck]
Fixed LV_GetCount() to work even if the "C" in its name is lowercase.
Changed FileSelectFile to follow/navigate shortcuts (.lnk files) rather than selecting them. There is also a new option to override this. [thanks Veovis & PhiLho]
Added "Gui +LastFoundExist" to detect the existence of a GUI window. [thanks Tekl & Evl]
Added built-in variables A_AppData and A_AppDataCommon, and A_Temp (A_Temp is the path to the folder designated to hold temporary files).


Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 23:45 25-04-2006 | Исправлено: shedow25, 23:46 25-04-2006

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Improved PixelGetColor with two alternate modes that work in a broader variety of windows and full-screen apps. [thanks TDMedia]
Improved StringMid to allow "Count" to be omitted to retrieve all characters. [thanks kapege.de]
Improved FileSelectFile to support special folders such as My Computer via CLSID strings (FileSelectFolder and Run already support them).


Всего записей: 4042 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 20:36 28-04-2006
Nick 2003

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- Fixed %A_WorkingDir% on Windows 9x, which was sometimes blank. [thanks Points]
- Improved BlockInput with a new mode that blocks only physical movement of the mouse, not keystrokes or mouse clicks.


Всего записей: 13879 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2003 | Отправлено: 20:05 01-05-2006

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AutoHotkey 1.0.44

Fixed OnClipboardChange to work even when the script is displaying a MsgBox or other dialog.
Fixed FileCreateDir not to report ErrorLevel 1 when the specified directory ends in "\". [thanks Wesley]
Fixed hotkeys Control::, Shift::, and Alt:: to fire on release of the key rather than press-down (broken by v1.0.41).
Fixed loading of icon #1 from nonstandard file types such as .bin.
Fixed ListView creation to obey the text color set by "Gui Font".
Changed and fixed the hotkey tilde prefix (~) so that hotkeys like ~Esc and Esc are considered duplicates; that is, a script cannot define both ~Esc and Esc unless they are under different #IfWin criteria (in which case ~Esc and Esc have been fixed to work properly). [thanks jballi]
Changed and improved ListViews: 1) a new option WantF2 is in effect by default, which causes an F2 keystroke to edit the current row (when not ReadOnly); 2) added LV_Modify(Row, "Vis") to scroll an item into view; 3) drag notifications occur even without AltSubmit; 4) item-change notifications have A_EventInfo set to the row number; 5) ErrorLevel no longer mirrors A_EventInfo in cases where it was never documented to do so (same for GuiContextMenu).
Improved Edit controls to select all text in response to Control-A. This can be disabled via -WantCtrlA.
Added new GUI control types TreeView and StatusBar.


Всего записей: 2169 | Зарегистр. 02-03-2002 | Отправлено: 04:17 15-05-2006

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Fixed StatusBar's grabbing of UpDowns that are added after it. [thanks Tekl]
Changed Round() to display exactly N decimal places rather than obeying SetFormat.


Всего записей: 2169 | Зарегистр. 02-03-2002 | Отправлено: 04:18 16-05-2006

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Fixed hotkeys that use "&" and "~" together (e.g. ~a & b and ~LButton & RButton) (broken by v1.0.44). [thanks SlimlinE & Spike]


Всего записей: 2169 | Зарегистр. 02-03-2002 | Отправлено: 06:17 21-05-2006

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шапка для внесения информации о выходе новых версия - создана.

Тень превращается в фантазии, таящиеся в глубине вашей души.
Пока идёшь ты среди теней, да не будет зла с тобой.

Всего записей: 24190 | Зарегистр. 07-04-2002 | Отправлено: 17:13 22-05-2006

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-Fixed FileExist() to report "X" rather than "" for files whose attributes are all undefined. [thanks Peter]
- Fixed Tab controls so that the first Text control added to a new page is auto-positioned correctly even if the previously added control was a Text control on some other page.
- Fixed ImageSearch so that a transparent color like TransBlack is as effective in variation mode as non-variation mode. [thanks Troz]
- Fixed GetKeyState and KeyWait to accept characters that don't exist in the current keyboard layout (in case the keyboard layout changes after launching the script).
- Fixed hotkeys that don't exist in the current keyboard layout (such as ^!&#228;:: in English) to display a warning and end the auto-execute section. [thanks Androgen Belkin]
- Changed and improved ControlSend, Send, Hotstrings, Input, and AltGr handling to use the target window's language rather than the script's. If you use only one keyboard layout on your system, this should not affect anything. [thanks Androgen Belkin]
- Improved VarSetCapacity() to interpret a capacity of -1 as "update this variable's internally-stored length". This is useful in cases where a variable has been altered indirectly, such as by passing its address via DllCall().


Всего записей: 2169 | Зарегистр. 02-03-2002 | Отправлено: 04:10 30-05-2006

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Fixed double-colon warning dialog appearing upon launch of certain scripts. (broken by
Fixed combination hotkeys like "a & b" to work even if "b & a" and "b & a up" are also present.
Fixed buddyless UpDown controls to work even if a StatusBar is present. [thanks Titan]


Всего записей: 2169 | Зарегистр. 02-03-2002 | Отправлено: 09:06 01-06-2006

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а у меня другой вопрос...
На ноуте есть сочетание кнопок с Fn  
+ парочка для мультимедиа.. надо чтобы при их нажатии на экане показывалось дейсткие.. типа stop - пишет стоп и т.д.

Всего записей: 931 | Зарегистр. 23-01-2006 | Отправлено: 22:08 01-06-2006
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