Moderator-Следопыт | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору 5.8.5 Beta http://www.roboform.com/dist/AiRoboForm-5-8-5.exe Change log: Folders: Passcards, Identities and Safenotes can be categorized into Folders Folders: Save Forms, new Identity, Rename, Clone dialogs allow creation of new object in a folder Folders: All menus that select an object are now cascading, they may contain folders My Identities vs Contacts: Identities that you use to fill forms (My Identities) are separated from Contacts (Identities of your friends: Address Book) My Identities vs Contacts: We assume that you have two My Identities -- one real identity and one alter-ego identity My Identities vs Contacts: When you migrate from older RoboForm versions, all your Identities are initially My Identities No AutoFill: Added Matching Passcards button to RF toolbar No AutoFill: Added My Identities buttons to RF toolbar No AutoFill: AutoFill dialog is still available to die-hard fans, turn it On in Options Search Box: Type partial name of Passcard, Identity, Safenote and have RoboForm show you all objects that match. ENTER executes the default command on the 1st shown object Search Box: Type a search word or phrase, click F5 and it is searched in a search engine Search Box: Type a word and automatically turn it into www.word.com (same as CTRL+ENTER in IE) Lower Toolbar: Not every browser can have native RoboForm toolbar (IE can, AOL and MSN cannot), so we introduced Lower Toolbar that attaches to the bottom of the browser page in browser that are not allowed to have native RoboForm toolbar
---------- Тень превращается в фантазии, таящиеся в глубине вашей души. Пока идёшь ты среди теней, да не будет зла с тобой. |