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InnoExtractor Free

InnoExtractor - это мощное приложение, которое помогает распаковывать инсталяторы Inno Setup.
С помощью программы можно исследовать внутреннюю структуру и содержание программы установки.
Также есть возможность извлекать файлы и данные в локальную папку или на портативные устройства без запуска программы установки.

- Простой и удобный графический интерфейс.
- Открытые инсталяторов в приложении только путем перетаскивания исполняемых файлов из Windоws Explorer.
- Возможность ознакомления с внутренним содержанием из программы установки.
- Извлечение файлов и встроенных сценариев в локальную папку, ZIP-пакет или самораспаковывающиеся модули.
- Декомпиляция файла "CompiledCode.bin" установщика для получения кода сборки, соответствующего разделу "Code" сценария.
- Открытие внутренних файлов установщика в одном приложении.
- Выполнение поиска файлов по ключевому слову.
- Панель ввода, которая позволяет ввести правильный пароль для извлечения зашифрованных инсталяторов.
- История недавно открытых установщиков.
- Поддержка всех версий Inno Setup.
- Полная поддержка Unicode.

Текущая версия: (02.09.2024) | История версий

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 08:34 11-09-2012 | Исправлено: Komandor, 19:57 04-09-2024

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InnoExtractor 4.7 RC1 Leaked (not available in official site and not available for public yet. Leaked by private and selected Beta Testers from Havysoft)

Current version status: RC (Release Candidate)
The complete changelog will be available on final/public release on June 2, 2014.
Some new text strings in language files needs translations:
FrmInnoExtractor_MnuVisualizador_Caption=%s Text Viewer
FrmInnoExtractor_MnuVisualizadorExtAsoc_Caption=Associated Extensions...
FrmInnoExtractor_PopVisualizar_Caption=Open with %s Text Viewer...
FrmAbout_Label5_Caption=Thanks to the following people:
FrmVisualizadorExtensiones_Caption=Associated Extensions
FrmVisualizadorExtensiones_Label2_Caption=Type the file extensions, separated by comma, which you want to associate with "Open with %s Text Viewer" option.
Important: Some texts strings sections (4.6.x.x) has been removed from all language files due to the new changes.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 04:28 29-05-2014

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InnoExtractor Final


- Added, finally, the most requested functionality by users of InnoExtractor. Drag and drop files from the program file list to Windows Explorer or to any application that support this ability! Like WinRAR style! The feature was tested extensively and successfully on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 8.1.1 with several external applications.
- Added new context menu item: "Open with InnoExtractor Text Viewer". With this, you can open text files in the program list if you want to use the internal, full unicode, Viewer instead externals. You can to configure the associated extensions to open with this item from the new option "InnoExtractor Text Viewer/Associated Extensions..." in main menu.
- Added "Donate" item in Help menu. If you like InnoExtractor and you want we continue developing it in the future as far, as well as several other of our applications, please help us, to Havysoft project, by making a voluntary donation of any amount. We will be very happy and grateful and also your suggestions for the program will be priority for us.
- Improved many cosmetics and visual issues in the program, such as windows/forms, buttons, etc. to better adjustment to the different languages typefaces.
- Improved file run from the list. Now, also you can run files in the list by pressing "Enter" key in the list on desired file.
- Improved "About InnoExtractor" dialog. Also, we have added all possible credits of all people (mainly the volunteer translators of many countries) who have contributed to InnoExtractor by thanks to them all.
- Improved separated support of the program on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 8.1.1.
- Improved some performance and stability issues in the program.
- Improved various minor details of the application.
- Changed "Script Files (Installer)" section run behavior for "dump_code.txt", "dump_registry.reg" and "dump_initialization.ini" files. Now always it opens with internal Viewer. For "install_script.iss" first the program check if Inno Setup compiler is currently installed in the computer. If so, the program uses Inno Setup to run this file, else, the file is opened with internal Viewer instead.
- Translated and done the following language files to latest version 4.7: Chinese Simplified, Czech, Dutch, English, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, and Turkish (you can change the language from "Options/Language" item of main menu). The other languages are outdated. If you like InnoExtractor and you want to have the program in your native language, please send us your translations (you can found the language files examples in "Idiomas" folder of installation path).
- Fixed several minor bugs and other issues discovered of previous versions.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 12:40 02-06-2014

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- Added "Donate" (voluntary) dialog when the application is run (you can disable this windows by simply selecting "Do not show this message at startup" checkbox).
- Added new necessary feature for encrypted installers in Options menu: "Identify Encrypted Files" (feature in testing status, thanks to Scott for this suggestion!). Allows you to detect and know all encripted files of an Inno Setup-based installer in the file list that requires a password and don't ask this for those who do not need. Each encrypted file is indicated by an asterisk symbol at the end of name. This feature is in testing status. This process is slow and uses more CPU than usual on installers that contain many files. It is only recommended to activate it when you really are interested to check a special/particular encrypted installer.
- Added new function in Options menu: "Run Files with Folder Dependencies". Allows you to run a file from list with their other files/folders dependencies when necessary for files with extension such as .exe, .bat, .cmd, .js and .vbs for correct excecution.
- Added new function in Options menu: "Always on Top" (thanks to John for this suggestion!).
- Added new translation sections in language files:
- Improved installers opening function by drag and drop files from other active applications/windows and from WinRAR, WinZip, 7-Zip, etc. active windows to InnoExtractor file list window.
- Improved extraction algorithm for non-ecrypted installers.
- Improved drag and drop files function from File list to other active applications/windows: Now extract the file only (without path) by pressing the Ctrl key and then dragging it with the left mouse button (note: first press Ctrl key, while holding, then press and then dragging it with the left mouse button). Big thanks to Luís user to suggest this feature!
- Improved Run feature from file list: When you run files in File List, InnoExtractor search the default associated application in your system to open it. If there is no default application for executed file, the program search the associated extension specified in "Associated Extension" option, so if is available, InnoExtractor Text Viewer is used instead.
- Improved Script button. Added submenus for quick access to dump Code, Registry and INI sections of script.
- Improved Dump: Registry and INI section extraction for better efficacy.
- Improved Script extraction routines with own InnoExtractor algorithms not available on Innounp API.
- Improved windows/forms occurrence (as are shown) in the screen (changed poScreenCenter property to all child forms of application to poMainFormCenter).
- Improved status bar: Added the possibility to open Decrypt dialog by simply clicking on status bar (when asteric simbol is visible) for quick access to enter a valid password for encrypted installers. Also, the total encrypted files information is shown.
- Improved InnoExtractor Updater library.
- Improved application installer.
- Changed text string value for "FrmAbout_Label2_Caption" section in all language files.
- Changed the order of some items in context and main menus of the application.
- Updated all language files. Translated and done the following language files to latest version 4.8: Chinese Simplified, Dutch, English, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Slovak and Spanish. The other language files are incomplete/outdated for this version and need translation for new text strings.
- Fixed bad convertion in Registry dump for Qword value type when value data is an Integer 64 bits.
- Fixed wrong encoding type for .reg and .ini files saving of previous versions (Unicode/UCS-2 Little Endian encoding is now correct and default for these file types).
- Fixed "Run" function in context menu of file list when try to open some files in certain occasions.
- Fixed incorrect dialog/window resize of "About InnoExtractor" on Windows XP.
- Fixed disable status for "Open with InnoExtractor Text Viewer" by error detection when file extension is with upper case.
- Fixed several bugs discovered on previous versions.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 17:08 08-07-2014

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- Translated and completed Russian and Turkish language files for current version.
- Fixed application freezing and error/bug when you open the dialogs "About InnoExtractor" and "Associated Extensions" with Always on Top option is checked.
- Fixed some errors/bugs with drag and drop function.
- Fixed other several bugs discovered in previous version.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 12:21 09-07-2014

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- Translated and completed Czech language file for current version.
- Tweaked some minor issues of the application installer.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 10:43 26-07-2014

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- Improved small issues for application installer.
- Removed file encryption for the installer, so you can now open and extract the internal files of InnoExtractor installer with our own InnoExtractor application, as in the past.
- Changed some small issues for credits in "About InnoExtractor" dialog.
- Fixed a small bug in the installer discovered in previous build.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 09:06 09-09-2014

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InnoExtractor Free 5.0 (

- From now, InnoExtractor is available in two new editions: Free (with some limitations) and Plus (full version, all advanced features enable). If you wish, you can to upgrade to Plus edition by making a money donation of $4 dollars USD to Havysoft project.
- Added new feature (Plus edition only) never seen before in any other product: Scan/research/inspect your entire hard disk to search and find all Inno Setup-based Installers executable files availables and open them with InnoExtractor. In this feature we will focus in every new release for the future and we will improve even more.
- Added "Donate to Upgrade to Plus..." item in Help menu of the application.
- From now, the following old features are available only in Plus edition: "Identify Encrypted Files", "Run Files with Folder Dependencies" and "Simulate Expanded Paths".
- Improved file search textbox: colored like firefox text search style behavior when the keyword is not found in the file list.
- Improved minor issues for application stability and performance.
- Changed and improved license agreement displayed during the installation.
- Added "Research..." Item in File menu of the application.
- Added the following new sections in all language files: FrmInnoExtractor_MnuEscanear_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_Label1_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_Label2_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_Label3_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_ChkNoSubdirectorios_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LstInstaladores_Columns0_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LstInstaladores_Columns1_Caption, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption1, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption2, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption3, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption4, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption5, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption6, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption7, FrmBuscarInstaladores_LblEstadoProgresoEscaneo_Caption8, BtnEscanear_Caption and Str_NoVisibleEnEdicionFree.
- Added new credits in "About InnoExtractor" dialog.
- Changed the text string in the following section of all language files: FrmAbout_Label2_Caption.
- Fixed some bugs discovered in previous versions.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 12:19 20-10-2014 | Исправлено: KjoN, 19:45 29-10-2014

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Inno Extractor Plus serial:

Ru-Board Crew

Всего записей: 3000 | Зарегистр. 04-08-2005 | Отправлено: 18:07 25-10-2014 | Исправлено: Kindly, 18:33 30-10-2014

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А чем Plus отличается от Free, кроме

- Added new feature (Plus edition only) never seen before in any other product: Scan/research/inspect your entire hard disk to search and find all Inno Setup-based Installers executable files availables and open them with InnoExtractor.

Что за some limitations у Free?
Total/Double Commander + innounp.exe + multiarc (в Double и он не нужен - есть встроенный) = InnoExtractor.

Всего записей: 37866 | Зарегистр. 03-05-2004 | Отправлено: 20:47 25-10-2014

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например, поддержка показа истинных путей, определение шифрованного дистра, пока на глаза больше не попалось.

Ru-Board Crew

Всего записей: 3000 | Зарегистр. 04-08-2005 | Отправлено: 21:36 25-10-2014 | Исправлено: Kindly, 21:37 25-10-2014

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InnoExtractor Free

- From this version, Also "Dump Code Section" option is part and only available in Plus edition.
- Improved some minor functions and other issues for stability and performance of the application.
- Improved application installer: Removed optional adware/toolbar/crapware for the installer of this version of InnoExtractor from Havysoft site to test if our donations system is more positive and stable than advertise bussiness. We want to remove the additional toolbars/ad partners/bussiness in the future in all our installers/products. If you like our InnoExtractor application, support us to make this reallity permanently!
- Updated the following language files to version Czech, Dutch, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean Polish and Portuguese.
- Fixed a minor issue in installers list of "Research" window when the application is running on Free edition.
- Fixed other minor bugs discovered in previous version.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 02:13 28-10-2014 | Исправлено: KjoN, 19:44 29-10-2014

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разрешите запостить тут кейген,  для варезника программа не совсем подходит, основана на бесплатных и общедоступных компонентах, за которые автор захотел денег. это не совсем справедливо, ведь можно было просто прикрутить донат, вместо урезания функционала, итак:
обновил ссылку на обновленный кейген, теперь есть полная поддержка юникода, исправлен также небольшой баг.

Ru-Board Crew

Всего записей: 3000 | Зарегистр. 04-08-2005 | Отправлено: 22:37 28-10-2014 | Исправлено: Kindly, 18:31 30-10-2014

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Не понятно, зачем вообще эту программу сделали...  
Есть же http://innounp.sourceforge.net/ прекрасно работающий и автономно и в составе, того же UniversalExtractor_а. Да и автор InnoExtractor_а использует его же, и ещё имеет наглость просить денег...
К слову, Innounp устарел маленько. Нынешняя версия 0.40 работает с IS до версии 5.5.4, а актуальный Inno - v 5.5.5   (может конечно и последний Inno распаковывает, не проверял...)

Всего записей: 4987 | Зарегистр. 21-04-2005 | Отправлено: 17:11 30-10-2014 | Исправлено: MKN, 17:13 30-10-2014

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поддерживаю, во всем, плюс в конце если галочку не снять, качается рекламная софтина, уже не правильно в платный софт, пичкать скачивание рекламной программы!

Всего записей: 5129 | Зарегистр. 08-09-2012 | Отправлено: 17:53 30-10-2014 | Исправлено: brduakh, 18:33 30-10-2014

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InnoExtractor Free (10/11/2014)
- From this version, also "Run" option and feature is part and available only in Plus edition.
- Improved minor window behavior issues for "Research Installer Files in Hard Drive" form.
- Updated the following language files to latest version: Chinese Simplified, Czech, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese and Turkish.
- Changed a minor text string in Korean language file.
- Fixed several minor bugs discovered in previous version.
- We need new native languages for InnoExtractorm such as: Arab (needs a complete retranslation), French (needs a complete retranslation), Hebrew, Hindi, Malay, Philippine, Romanian, Swedish and Vietnamese. Other languages are welcome. If the mentioned languages are your native language and you want to help and send us your translations to our email (quiality translations), if approved, you will win a free an authorized key to activate to InnoExtractor Plus forever! You can use as template any actual language file you want of "Idiomas" folder from installation location. Your quality work is valued and rewarded by us!

Всего записей: 5129 | Зарегистр. 08-09-2012 | Отправлено: 11:29 10-11-2014

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Некоторые текстовые строки из русской языковой файл ("Russian.lng") на английском языке или устарели. Кто-нибудь есть последняя версия этого файла? Спасибо!!!

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 23:33 18-11-2014

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Я себе переводил, если поможет то вот.

Всего записей: 82 | Зарегистр. 19-06-2014 | Отправлено: 09:55 20-11-2014

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InnoExtractor Free (16/01/2015)
- Added new interface language: Bulgarian.
- Fixed some errors/bugs discovered in previous version.
@FUTURABA: Спасибо за российского языкового файла!!!!

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 11:20 20-01-2015 | Исправлено: KjoN, 11:23 20-01-2015

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InnoExtractor Free (21/01/2015)
- Improved click behavior in result list of "Research Installer files in Hard Drive" window: Now when you press the right mouse button over the row, this action will open the location of the installer file in Windows File Explorer window. Only the left mouse button will open the installer file to scan into MassFaces as usual.
- Fixed some small behavior issues of result list in "Research Installer Files in Hard Drive" window in certain circumstances.
- Fixed other three small errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 10:18 21-01-2015 | Исправлено: KjoN, 10:18 21-01-2015

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InnoExtractor Free (22/01/2015)
- Plus edition only: Fixed wrong closing behavior introduced in previous version when you press the right mouse button over the row in results list of "Research Installer Files in Hard Drive" window.
- Fixed other small errors/bugs discovered in previous version.

Всего записей: 247 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2012 | Отправлено: 11:12 22-01-2015
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