Newbie | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Hello everyone! Sorry for bothering you guys with this coment, I only want to express an small idea wihtout irrespecting anyone here. I'm very grateful with Bolega for his incredible effort developing ScanKromsator and his genorus act of share it with all of us!!. In my particvular case I'm focus in chess books, so I start scanning book; first scanning direclty to PDF without any editing work, then working in MS Paint and MS Picture, very basic image edintg program, and by now working with VueScan, Clear Image, Photoshop and Scan Kromsator. I'm a sefleaner, never went to any instute or scholl to learn about Computer, software or any related about it. and because my chess activity I have the oportunity to talk with a lot of people who are interested in work creating chess material in electronic format. The main problem I found is that a LOT of people have no knowledges about using their PC, actually have no knowledges about OS use, something that is pretty basic. Of course for poeple who have experience or knowledges about PC or software it can sounds really "INCREDIBLE" but it is true, unfortunally. As this chess interested people they are a lot of people who will be very interested in work creating ebooks. Actually, for example I'm a member of a spanish readers books that work digitalazing material, and they run a OCR process over them, that means their production is TEXT files in DOC or PDF, not images, that means a LOT of work, really a LOT!! and they have around 2,000 titles produced in several years. Few time ago I try to talk with them about how to use image processing software in order to speed his work (for them produce a title take a lot of time and effort, after scan the book , they ran the OCR process, and then somebody else ran a proffreading process correcting the book). Sorry for the long coments but I want to show a little bite of the reality around, and in my opinion of course, if we be able to give to the rest of the people the oportunity to know and learn how to use a program like SK, it will be a very good thing. Of course I understandt the idea of if somebody want to use it , he/she must dedicated enough time to adquire knowledges about image procesing, digitalizng process and so on., theoretically it must be the way to be, but in reallity it is pretty hard to achieve that. If you don't gave the people a easy way to do the thing 99% of them will not do it. Sounds so dissapointed but it is the cruel true. Ok that is enough crazy talk from me, sorry for that, I want to repeat that my intetion is not irrespect anybody here!. Best regards! PIRASOFT |