Platinum Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | ICQ | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору white778899 Спрашивают: Цитата: как все-таки обстоит дело у Spoon Studio с портабелизацией x64 приложений? | Отвечаем: Studio creates 32- and 64-bit executables. Both 32-bit (under 32-bit mode) and 64-bit executables can be run on x64-based platforms. Setting up a build lab To ensure that virtual application builds will function for all users, Spoon recommends a build lab is set up with the following six machine configurations: • Windows XP, Service Pack 3, x86 architecture • Windows XP, Service Pack 2, x64 architecture • Windows Vista, Service Pack 2, x86 architecture • Windows Vista, Service Pack 2, x64 architecture • Windows 7, x86 architecture • Windows 7, x64 architecture
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