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A free source code editor for Win32 and X
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Один из самых настраиваемых текстовых редакторов из ныне существующих. Настраивается практически все. Индивидуальная подсветка для разных языков програмирования, фолдинг для классов, функций и структур, авто-дополнение, и т.д. и т.п...
  • Официальный сайт: Scintilla and Scite
  • Официальный форум: Scite-interest -- Discussion of the SciTE editor
  • Русская документация по SciTE (Ждем ваших замечаний и дополнений...)
  • Проект SciTE-Ru (топик на Ru-Board сборки SciTE Ru-Board Edition )
  • SciTE - Википедия (корректируйте, дополняйте!)
  • Filerx, SideWinder
  • ......
  • Project file releases
    Scintilla History | (на русском)  
    Последняя версия оригинального редактора SciTE - 4.4.4 [от 21.07.2020]
    Последняя версия редактора из проекта SciTE-Ru - 3.5.5 .102 [Сборка 01.05.2017]
    (Oписание: сборки, ядра)  [О "вирусах" в сборке SciTE-Ru!]
    Дружественная тема - Вопросы по сборке SciTE-Ru
    // текущий бэкап шапки..

  • Всего записей: 24190 | Зарегистр. 07-04-2002 | Отправлено: 11:23 23-11-2010 | Исправлено: Maz, 15:48 11-10-2020

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    Поставил SciTE4AutoHotkey. Не подскажете, где попроще описано (если такая воможность имеется), как к нему подключить SideBar.lua
    Пока что я понял, что точно не через расширения - там, вроде как, файлы *.s4x.
    Через пару дней..:
    1. Я по ссылке http://scite-ru.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pack/tools/SideBar.lua открыл скрипт, скопировал его и сохранил как SideBar.lua
    (правильно или нет?)
    2. В самом скрипте информация по установке:
       In file SciTEStartup.lua add a line:
          dofile (props["SciteDefaultHome"].."\\tools\\SideBar.lua")"
    вот тут засада: в принципе такого файла (SciTEStartup.lua) не имеется..
    (чего делать-то... ?)
    Пока дальше никуда не могу продвинуться - гугл поэтапно приводит к этому корыту..

    Всего записей: 457 | Зарегистр. 28-01-2006 | Отправлено: 07:12 12-10-2013 | Исправлено: vadim3sh, 03:30 14-10-2013

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    подскажите "чайнику" как в SciTE форматировать код JS типа "Beautify" как к примеру здесь http://jsbeautifier.org/
    что надо прикрутить? (в подробностях если можно).  

    Всего записей: 402 | Зарегистр. 31-10-2004 | Отправлено: 10:42 12-10-2013

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    Release 3.3.6
        Released 15 October 2013.
        Added functions to help convert between substyles and base styles and between secondary and primary styles. SCI_GETSTYLEFROMSUBSTYLE finds the base style of substyles. Can be used to treat all substyles of a style equivalent to that style. SCI_GETPRIMARYSTYLEFROMSTYLE finds the primary style of secondary styles. StyleFromSubStyle and PrimaryStyleFromStyle methods were added to ILexerWithSubStyles so each lexer can implement these.
        Lexer added for Rust language. Feature #1024.
        Avoid false matches in errorlist lexer which is used for the SciTE output pane by stricter checking of ctags lines.
        Perl lexer fixes bugs with multi-byte characters, including in HEREDOCs and PODs. Bug #1528.
        SQL folder folds 'create view' statements. Feature #1020.
        Visual Prolog lexer updated with better support for string literals and Unicode. Feature #1025.
        For SCI_SETIDENTIFIERS, \t, \r, and \n are allowed as well as space between identifiers. Bug #1521.
        Gaining and losing focus is now reported as a notification with the code set to SCN_FOCUSIN or SCN_FOCUSOUT. This allows clients to uniformly use notifications instead of commands. Since there is no longer a need for commands they will be deprecated in a future version. Clients should switch any code that currently uses SCEN_SETFOCUS or SCEN_KILLFOCUS.
        On Cocoa, clients should use the delegate mechanism or subclass ScintillaView in preference to registerNotifyCallback: which will be deprecated in the future.
        On Cocoa, the ScintillaView.h header hides internal implementation details from Platform.h and ScintillaCocoa.h. InnerView was renamed to SCIContentView and MarginView was renamed to SCIMarginView. dealloc removed from @interface.
        On Cocoa, clients may customize SCIContentView by subclassing both SCIContentView and ScintillaView and implementing the contentViewClass class method on the ScintillaView subclass to return the class of the SCIContentView subclass.
        On Cocoa, fixed appearance of alpha rectangles to use specified alpha and colour for outline as well as corner size. This makes INDIC_STRAIGHTBOX and INDIC_ROUNDBOX look correct.
        On Cocoa, memory leak fixed for MarginView.
        On Cocoa, make drag and drop work when destination view is empty. Bug #1534.
        On Cocoa, drag image fixed when view scrolled.
        On Cocoa, SCI_POSITIONFROMPOINTCLOSE fixed when view scrolled. Feature #1021.
        On Cocoa, don't send selection change notification when scrolling. Bug #1522.
        On Qt, turn off idle events on destruction to prevent repeatedly calling idle.
        Qt bindings in ScintillaEdit changed to use signed first parameter.
        Compilation errors fixed on Windows and GTK+ with SCI_NAMESPACE.
        On Windows, building with gcc will check if Direct2D headers are available and enable Direct2D if they are.
        Avoid attempts to redraw empty areas when lexing beyond the currently visible lines.
        Control more attributes of indicators in SciTE with find.mark.indicator and highlight.current.word.indicator properties.
        Fix SciTE bug with buffers becoming read-only. Bug #1525.
        Fix linking SciTE on non-Linux Unix systems with GNU toolchain by linking to libdl. Bug #1523.
        On Windows, SciTE's Incremental Search displays match failures by changing the background colour instead of not adding the character that caused failure.
        Fix SciTE on GTK+ 3.x incremental search to change foreground colour when no match as changing background colour is difficult.

    Всего записей: 150 | Зарегистр. 10-07-2003 | Отправлено: 00:28 17-10-2013

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    Здравствуйте! при компиляции ревизии 1541 под Linux GTK класса SciTEGTK даёт ошибку  
    SciTEGTK.cxx:3434:67: error: no ‘void SciTEGTK::AddToPopUp(const char*, int, bool)’ member function declared in class ‘SciTEGTK’
    метод этот в объявление класса закоментирован (стр.580), ну а реализация, как видно, нет.
    Вы не могли бы определить нужен он на самом деле или нет в GTK.  
    И нельзя ли на будущее апить версии файлов, которые хотя бы прошли проверку компилером и линкером, а то несколько вводит в заблуждение.

    Всего записей: 6 | Зарегистр. 10-12-2009 | Отправлено: 18:52 06-12-2013

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    Release 3.3.7
        Released 12 December 2013.
        Lexer added for DMAP language. Feature #1026.
        Basic lexer supports multiline comments in FreeBASIC. Feature #1023.
        Bash lexer allows '#' inside words.. Bug #1553.
        C++ lexer recognizes C++11 user-defined lierals and applies lexical class SCE_C_USERLITERAL.
        C++ lexer allows single quote characters as digit separators in numeric literals like 123'456 as this is included in C++14.
        C++ lexer fixes bug with #include statements without " or > terminating filename. Bug #1538.
        C++ lexer fixes split of Doxygen keywords @code{.fileExtension} and @param[in,out]. Bug #1551.
        C++ lexer styles Doxygen keywords at end of document.
        Cmake lexer fixes bug with empty comments. Bug #1550.
        Fortran folder improved. Treats "else" as fold header. Feature #962.
        Fix bug with adjacent instances of the same indicator with different values where only the first was drawn. Bug #1560.
        For DirectWrite, use the GDI ClearType gamma value for SC_EFF_QUALITY_LCD_OPTIMIZED as this results in text that is similar in colour intensity to GDI. For the duller default DirectWrite ClearType text appearance, use SC_EFF_QUALITY_DEFAULT. Feature #887.
        Fix another problem with drawing on Windows with Direct2D when returning from lock screen. The whole window is redrawn as just redrawing the initially required area left other areas black.
        When scroll width is tracked, take width of annotation lines into account.
        For Cocoa on OS X 10.9, responsive scrolling is supported.
        On Cocoa, apply font quality setting to line numbers. Bug #1544.
        On Cocoa, clicking in margin now sets focus. Bug #1542.
        On Cocoa, correct cursor displayed in margin after showing dialog.
        On Cocoa, multipaste mode now works. Bug #1541.
        On GTK+, chain up to superclass finalize so that all finalization is performed. Bug #1549.
        On GTK+, fix horizontal scroll bar range to not be double the needed width. Bug #1546.
        On OS X GTK+, report control key as SCI_META for mouse down events.
        On Qt, bug fixed with drawing of scrollbars, where previous contents were not drawn over with some themes.
        On Qt, bug fixed with finding monitor rectangle which could lead to autocomplete showing at wrong location.
        SciTE fix for multiple message boxes when failing to save a file with save.on.deactivate. Bug #1540.
        SciTE on GTK+ fixes SIGCHLD handling so that Lua scripts can determine the exit status of processes they start. Bug #1557.
        SciTE on Windows XP fixes bad display of find and replace values when using strips.
    Шапку поправьте, plz!

    Всего записей: 150 | Зарегистр. 10-07-2003 | Отправлено: 23:43 12-12-2013

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    подсветка кода для Perl в UTF-8 отображается не корректно, в частности:

    if ( 1 = 1 ) { $mess = 'не описано, скиньте ссылку этой страницы администратору'; }
    $mess = "error";


    %razdel = (btl=>"что то", pr=>"ошибка");

    ну и много где еще, если надо буду писать ошибки.
    удивительно, но в win-1251 все выглядит как надо.
    п.с. откатился до версии SciTE_323_96Ru там тоже все нормально выглядит.

    Всего записей: 279 | Зарегистр. 09-06-2004 | Отправлено: 18:54 04-01-2014 | Исправлено: yarnik, 20:10 04-01-2014

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    дошли руки до перевода хистори последних релизов...  
    Результат переложения на русский:
    Версия 3.3.7 от 12 декабря 2013 г.
    Версия 3.3.6 от 15 октября 2013 г.
    Версия 3.3.5 от 31 августа 2013 г.

    Всего записей: 11901 | Зарегистр. 03-12-2003 | Отправлено: 04:34 06-01-2014

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    Release 3.3.8
        Released 28 January 2014.
        DropSelectionN API added to drop a selection from a multiple selection.
        CallTipSetPosStart API added to change the position at which backspacing removes the calltip.
        SC_MARK_BOOKMARK marker symbol added which looks like bookmark ribbons used in book reading applications.
        Basic lexer highlights hex, octal, and binary numbers in FreeBASIC which use the prefixes &h, &o and &b respectively. Feature #1041.
        C++ lexer fixes bug where keyword followed immediately by quoted string continued keyword style. Bug #1564.
        Matlab lexer treats '!' differently for Matlab and Octave languages. Bug #1571.
        Rust lexer improved with nested comments, more compliant doc-comment detection, octal literals, NUL characters treated as valid, and highlighting of raw string literals and float literals fixed. Feature #1038. Bug #1570.
        On Qt expose the EOLMode on the document object.
        Fix hotspot clicking where area was off by half a character width. Bug #1562.
        Tweaked scroll positioning by either 2 pixels or 1 pixel when caret is at left or right of view to ensure caret is inside visible area.
        Send SCN_UPDATEUI with SC_UPDATE_SELECTION for Shift+Tab inside text.
        On Windows update the system caret position when scrolling to help screen readers see the scroll quickly.
        On Cocoa, GTK+, and Windows/Direct2D draw circles more accurately so that circular folding margin markers appear circular, of consistent size, and centred. Make SC_MARK_ARROWS drawing more even. Fix corners of SC_MARK_ROUNDRECT with Direct2D to be similar to other platforms.
        SciTE uses a bookmark ribbon symbol for bookmarks as it scales better to higher resolutions than the previous blue gem bitmap.
        SciTE will change the width of margins while running when the margin.width and fold.margin.width properties are changed.
        SciTE on Windows can display a larger tool bar with the toolbar.large property.
        SciTE displays a warning message when asked to open a directory. Bug #1568.

    Всего записей: 150 | Зарегистр. 10-07-2003 | Отправлено: 10:24 28-01-2014

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    Release 3.3.9
        Released 31 January 2014.
        Fix 3.3.8 bug where external lexers became inaccessible. Bug #1574.

    Всего записей: 150 | Зарегистр. 10-07-2003 | Отправлено: 00:28 01-02-2014

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    добрый день..
    подскажите.. как выключить мультитаблуляцию? чтобы по нажатии клавишы TAB всегда ставилась табуляция.. мне эти метки все вообще не нужны.. жутко бесит, когда тебя перекидывает хрен знает куда..

    Всего записей: 1 | Зарегистр. 03-02-2014 | Отправлено: 07:14 03-02-2014

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    Release 3.4.0
        Released 22 March 2014.
        The Unicode line ends and substyles features added as provisional in 3.2.5 are now finalised. There are now no provisional features.
        Added wrap mode SC_WRAP_WHITESPACE which only wraps on whitespace, not on style changes.
        SciTE find and replace strips can perform incremental searching and temporary highlighting of all matches with the find.strip.incremental, replace.strip.incremental, and find.indicator.incremental settings.
        SciTE default settings changed to use strips for find and replace and to draw with Direct2D and DirectWrite on Windows.
        SciTE on Windows scales image buttons on the find and replace strips to match the current system scale factor.
        Additional assembler lexer variant As(SCLEX_AS) for Unix assembly code which uses '#' for comments and ';' to separate statements.
        Fix Coffeescript lexer for keyword style extending past end of word. Also fixes styling 0...myArray.length all as a number. Bug #1583.
        Fix crashes and other bugs in Fortran folder by removing folding of do-label constructs.
        Deleting a whole line deletes the annotations on that line instead of the annotations on the next line. Bug #1577.
        Changed position of tall calltips to prefer lower half of screen to cut off end instead of start.
        Fix Qt bug where double click treated as triple click. Bug #1575.
        On Qt, selecting an item in an autocompletion list that is not currently visible positions it at the top.
        Fix bug on Windows when resizing autocompletion list with only short strings caused the list to move.
        On Cocoa reduce scrollable height by one line to fix bugs with moving caret up or down.
        On Cocoa fix calltips which did not appear when they were created in an off-screen position.

    Всего записей: 150 | Зарегистр. 10-07-2003 | Отправлено: 10:59 23-03-2014

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    Release 3.4.1
        Released 1 April 2014.
        Display Unicode line ends as [LS], [PS], and [NEL] blobs.
        Bug fixed where cursor down failed on wrapped lines. Bug #1585.
        Caret positioning changed a little to appear inside characters less often by rounding the caret position to the pixel grid instead of truncating. Bug #1588.
        Bug fixed where automatic indentation wrong when caret in virtual space. Bug #1586.
        Bug fixed on Windows where WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK was no longer sent to window. Bug #1587.
        Bug fixed with SciTE on Windows XP where black stripes appeared inside the find and replace strips.
        Crash fixed in SciTE with recursive properties files. Bug #1507.
        Bug fixed with SciTE where Ctrl+E before an unmatched end brace jumps to file start. Bug #315.
        Fixed scrolling on Cocoa to avoid display glitches and be smoother.
        Fixed crash on Cocoa when character composition used when autocompletion list active.

    Всего записей: 150 | Зарегистр. 10-07-2003 | Отправлено: 16:16 01-04-2014

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    Добрый вечер.
    Подскажите, в SciTe есть такой скрипт или функция как notpad++, которая
    по двойному клику подсвечивает переменную по всему коду?

    Всего записей: 5 | Зарегистр. 08-08-2007 | Отправлено: 22:04 13-04-2014

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    подсвечивает переменную по всему коду
    SciTeGlobal.properties -> highlight.current.word=1

    Всего записей: 46 | Зарегистр. 13-06-2005 | Отправлено: 11:44 14-04-2014

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    День добрый,
    как сделать, чтобы в окно консоли редактора также выводились ошибки (stderr)? Это нужно для отображения результатов работы сторонней программы:
    # Команда меню - Собрать (F7)
    # выполняем скрипт lua внешним интерпретатором
    command.build.*.plua=$(SciteDefaultHome)\bin_lua\lua "$(FilePath)" $(1) $(2) $(3) $(4))

    Всего записей: 10 | Зарегистр. 14-09-2005 | Отправлено: 12:23 24-04-2014

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    добрый день, может кто знает ?  
    раньше SciTe запускался с коммандной строки , с разными параметрами , теперь не не срабатывают эти параметры -find: , -goto:

    Всего записей: 995 | Зарегистр. 12-01-2005 | Отправлено: 16:27 28-04-2014

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    Release 3.4.2
        Released 22 May 2014.
        Insertions can be filtered or modified by calling SCI_CHANGEINSERTION inside a handler for SC_MOD_INSERTCHECK.
        DMIS lexer added. DMIS is a language for coordinate measuring machines. Feature #1049.
        Line state may be displayed in the line number margin to aid in debugging lexing and folding with SC_FOLDFLAG_LINESTATE (128).
        C++ lexer understands more preprocessor statements. #if defined SYMBOL is understood. Some macros with arguments can be understood and these may be predefined in keyword set 4 (keywords5 for SciTE) with syntax similar to CHECKVERSION(x)=(x<3). Feature #1051.
        C++ lexer can highlight task marker keywords in comments as SCE_C_TASKMARKER.
        C++ lexer can optionally highlight escape sequences in strings as SCE_C_ESCAPESEQUENCE.
        C++ lexer supports Go back quoted raw string literals with lexer.cpp.backquoted.strings option. Feature #1047.
        SciTE performs word and search match highlighting as an idle task to improve interactivity and allow use of these features on large files.
        Bug fixed on Cocoa where previous caret lines were visible. Bug #1593.
        Bug fixed where caret remained invisible when period set to 0. Bug #1592.
        Fixed display flashing when scrolling with GTK+ 3.10. Bug #1567.
        Fixed calls and constants deprecated in GTK+ 3.10.
        Fixed bug on Windows where WM_GETTEXT did not provide data in UTF-16 for Unicode window. Bug #685.
        For SciTE, protect access to variables used by threads with a mutex to prevent data races.
        For SciTE on GTK+ fix thread object leaks. Display the version of GTK+ compiled against in the about box.
        For SciTE on GTK+ 3.10, fix the size of the tab bar's content and use freedesktop.org standard icon names where possible.
        For SciTE on Windows, fix bug where invoking help resubmitted the running program. Bug #272.
        SciTE's highlight current word feature no longer matches the selection when it contains space.
        For building SciTE in Visual C++, the win\SciTE.vcxproj project file should be used. The boundscheck directory and its project and solution files have been removed.

    Всего записей: 150 | Зарегистр. 10-07-2003 | Отправлено: 14:59 22-05-2014

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    Подскажите пожалуйста (желательно пошагово) как подключить "Artistic Style", делаю как указано здесь http://jimp03.zxq.net/doc/Editor.html#_Integration

    SciTE is a text editor that uses the Scintilla edit control. Commands to the Tools menu for C source files can be added to the SciTEUser properties or the cpp properties file. Open the appropriate file from the Options menu. The following example uses command number 3. You may, of course, use any number you want. Enter the following:
    command.name.3.$(file.patterns.cpp) =Artistic Style
    command.3.$(file.patterns.cpp) =<program path>AStyleWin.exe  $(FilePath)
    command.subsystem.3.$(file.patterns.cpp) =1

    но не получается
    Версия 3.2.5 .99Ru

    Всего записей: 402 | Зарегистр. 31-10-2004 | Отправлено: 17:15 22-05-2014 | Исправлено: GregoryPek, 17:17 22-05-2014

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    Выдержка из моего cpp.properties

    # Приведение стиля форматирования текста к единому виду
    command.name.6.$(file.patterns.cpp)=Artistic Style
    command.6.$(file.patterns.cpp)="$(SciteDefaultHome)\Tools\AStyle\bin\astyle.exe" --options="$(SciteDefaultHome)\Tools\AStyle\MastAk.astylerc" "$(FilePath)"

    Всего записей: 40 | Зарегистр. 18-11-2007 | Отправлено: 07:37 23-05-2014

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    Всего записей: 402 | Зарегистр. 31-10-2004 | Отправлено: 09:13 23-05-2014
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