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Актуальная версия: AutoHotkey 2.0.5 от 12 августа 2023
Версия для Windows XP | Changes from v1.1 to v2.0
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AutoHotkey — бесплатная программа с открытым исходным кодом для создания макросов и автоматизации, позволяющая упростить выполнение повторяющихся задач.
AutoHotkey позволяет изменить интерфейс практически любой программы. Имеет собственный скриптовый язык, специально нацеленный на лёгкое назначение и переназначение горячих клавиш.
AutoHotkey можно использовать для запуска программ, отправки текста, имитации мыши. Скриптовый язык позволяет управлять окнами, файлами и папками. Команды могут быть активированы горячими клавишами.
Также имеются возможности создания GUI, работы с реестром, использования собственного API окон для вызова DLL-файлов. Скрипты можно скомпилировать в EXE-файл и запускать на любом компьютере с Windows соответствующей версии.
Наиболее частое применение AutoHotkey:
- переназначение клавиш (глобально или у отдельных программ)
- управление мышью с помощью клавиатуры или джойстика
- слежение за системой, автоматическое выполнение некоторых действий по желанию пользователя, таких как напоминание, сканирование или резервное копирование

Всего записей: 505 | Зарегистр. 04-03-2004 | Отправлено: 00:28 02-06-2005 | Исправлено: Egor2020, 10:08 21-09-2023

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Fixed mouse movement being off by 1 pixel for coordinates very near 0 (broken by 1.0.43). [thanks numEric]
Changed and improved remapping-to-modifier (such as F1::Control) to release the modifier during the script's other uses of Send.


Всего записей: 2169 | Зарегистр. 02-03-2002 | Отправлено: 05:00 08-06-2006

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Fixed remapping-to-modifier such as F1::Control (broken by


Всего записей: 2169 | Зарегистр. 02-03-2002 | Отправлено: 11:16 09-06-2006

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Очень хорошая прога, фактически язык программирования, с хорошей справкой, жаль только на английском языке

Всего записей: 177 | Зарегистр. 27-05-2006 | Отправлено: 20:58 11-06-2006

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Fixed stack overflow when a registry-loop traverses deeply nested subkeys.
Fixed Hotkey command to report ErrorLevel 0 vs. 51 upon success for joystick hotkeys.  
Changed ClipboardAll to exclude formats that cause Outlook's MS Word editor to display error dialogs.
Changed and improved UrlDownloadtoFile to retrieve the file from the remote server vs. the cache. There is a new option to override this.
Improved remapping to support destination characters that don't exist on the keyboard (such as F1::ð in English).


Всего записей: 2169 | Зарегистр. 02-03-2002 | Отправлено: 17:58 17-06-2006

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AutoHotkey v1.0.44.14
NOTE: Although this release has been extensively tested and is not expected to break any existing scripts, several low-level performance enhancements were made. If you have any mission-critical scripts, it is recommended that you retest them and/or wait a few weeks for any bugs to get fixed.
Fixed loop-variables like A_Index when accessed in more than one of a line's parameters. The inaccuracy occurred only when one of those parameters called a function that returned directly from the body of a loop. [thanks NumEric]
Changed ListVars to display ByRef parameters by their own name rather than the caller's.
Changed the Input command to do nothing on Windows 9x (not even setting ErrorLevel and OutputVar).
Raised the limit on the number of GUI fonts from 100 to 200. [thanks philou]
Changed StrLen()/StringLen and internal string-handling to avoid calculating a string's length when possible. Although this enhances performance (especially for large strings), scripts that use DllCall to pass a string via the address operator (&) rather than as a str parameter should call VarSetCapacity(Var, -1) to correct the internally-stored length (if it changed).
Improved performance slightly (above and beyond the StrLen improvement).


Всего записей: 409 | Зарегистр. 14-02-2006 | Отправлено: 10:36 03-10-2006

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Latest Changes:  
- Fixed FileReadLine and FileSelectFile not to crash or misbehave when other threads interrupt them (broken by 1.0.45)
- Fixed RegExMatch() so that when there's no match, named subpatterns are properly set to "" in the output array
- Fixed RegExMatch()'s "J" option to properly write duplicate named subpatterns to the output array
- Changed SetWorkingDir and #Include DirName to succeed even for a root directory such as C: that lacks a backslash
- Improved DllCall() to display a warning dialog if the called function writes to a variable of zero capacity

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 06:55 08-11-2006

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Latest Changes:  
- Fixed crash on Windows 9x when a script doesn't actually run (e.g. due to syntax error) (broken by v1.0.45)
- Changed "Control Style|ExStyle" to report ErrorLevel 0 vs. 1 when the requested style change wasn't necessary because it was already in effect
- Improved #Include to support %A_AppData% and %A_AppDataCommon%

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 06:47 16-11-2006

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Очень содержательный топик! 95% - информация о выходе новых версий! И модератор уже писал, что шапка есть для этого, всем похрену. Ведь за редактирование шапки статус не увеличат... да...
Вопрос по программе. Поставил прогу, запускаю из Пуска AutoHotkey.exe, пишет что нет файла ini и спаршивает "Создать?" Говорю - создай. Файл создан. Повторно запускаю AutoHotkey.exe, вылетает с ошибкой в строке 21 (Invalid Hotkey). Смотрим строку 21:
"#z::Run www.autohotkey.com"
Это нормально, что программа сама создала корявый файл ini?! И че с этим делать?

Всего записей: 1028 | Зарегистр. 29-10-2002 | Отправлено: 11:43 24-11-2006 | Исправлено: Lovec, 11:44 24-11-2006

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Очень содержательный топик!  95% - информация о выходе новых версий! И модератор уже писал, что шапка есть для этого, всем похрену. Ведь за редактирование шапки статус не увеличат... да...

Информации в топике - почти никакой, хотя программа достаточна непроста.
Замечено, что постящие о новых версиях в топиках, как правило анонсируемыми программами не пользуются.
Дабы восполнить пробел дам эту ссылку (добавлю ее и в шапку)
Там достаточно информации на русском об этой замечательной программе.

Всего записей: 2536 | Зарегистр. 03-10-2002 | Отправлено: 11:03 27-11-2006 | Исправлено: o22, 11:05 27-11-2006

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Latest Changes:  
- Added function SubStr(), which retrieves the specified number of characters at the specified position in a string
- Added assignment operators //=, .=, |=, &=, ^=, >>=, and <<=, which can be used anywhere in expressions. For example, Var .= "abc" appends the string "abc" to the end of Var's current contents
- Added full support in expressions for the operators ++, --, +=, -=, *=, and /= (formerly, they could be used only as the leftmost operator on a line). All assignment operators (especially ++ and --) behave in a C-like way when their result is used by some
- Added the ternary operator (?: ), which is a shorthand replacement for the if-else statement. For example, var := x>y ? 2 : 3 assigns the value 2 if x is greater than y; otherwise it assigns 3
- Added support for comma-separated expressions, which allow a single line to contain multiple assignments, function calls, and other expressions
- Improved variable declarations to support initialization on the same line. Note: A static variable's initialization occurs only once, before the script begins executing
- Improved line continuation to support all expression operators. For example, a line that starts with "?" or "+" is automatically merged with the line above it
- Improved performance of operators "." and ".=" to be as fast as the percent-sign method of appending a string
- Improved expressions to allow more types of consecutive unary operators such as !!Var
- Changed Critical to check messages less often (20 vs. 10ms), which improves the reliability of frequently-called OnMessage functions
- Changed: A variable named simply "?" is no longer valid in expressions due to the new ternary operator
- Fixed hotkeys to support ":::" (colon as a hotkey) and ": & x" (colon as a hotkey prefix)
- Fixed the installer to remove psapi.dll from the AutoHotkey folder (except on Windows NT4). This avoids a conflict with Internet Explorer 7
- NOTE: Although this release has been extensively tested and is not expected to break any existing scripts, several low-level enhancements were made. If you have any mission-critical scripts, it is recommended that you retest them and/or wait a few weeks f

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 06:48 30-11-2006 | Исправлено: mikar, 06:51 30-11-2006

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Latest Changes:  
- Fixed comma-separated declaration initializers such as "local x = 1, y = 2" to work even when immediately below an if/else/loop statement
- Fixed comma-separated expressions so when the leftmost item is an assignment, it will occur before the others rather than after
- Changed and fixed function-calls so that any changes they make to dynamic variable names, environment variables, and built-in variables (such as Clipboard) are always visible to subsequent parts of the expression that called them
- Changed: When a multi-statement comma is followed immediately by a variable and an equal sign, that equal sign is automatically treated as a := assignment. For example, all of the following are assignments: x:=1, y=2, a=b=c
- Changed comma-separated expressions to produce the following effects: 1) the leftmost /= operator becomes true divide rather than EnvDiv; 2) blank values are not treated as zero in math expressions (thus they yield blank results)
- Improved the performance of expressions by 5 to 20% (depending on type)
- Improved the new assignment operators such as .= to support the Clipboard variable (even in comma-separated expressions)
- Improved the .= operator so that it doesn't require a space to its left
- Improved GUI controls to accept static variables as their associated variables (formerly only globals were allowed)
- Added option HwndOutputVar to "Gui Add", which stores a control's HWND in OutputVar

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 07:15 16-12-2006

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Latest Changes:  
- Fixed ListView's floating point sorting to produce the correct ordering. [thanks oldbrother/Goyyah/Laszlo]

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 07:18 19-12-2006

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AutoHotkey v1.0.46.04 -- January 2, 2007
*Страница загрузки - http://www.autohotkey.com/download/
*Download AutoHotkey - http://www.autohotkey.com/download/AutoHotkeyInstall.exe - January 2, 2007
Fixed inability to pass the result of an assignment (:=) to a ByRef parameter. [thanks Titan] - December 18, 2006
Fixed ListView's floating point sorting to produce the correct ordering. [thanks oldbrother/Goyyah/Laszlo] - December 17, 2006
Fixed environment variables to work properly as input variables in various commands such as StringLen and StringReplace (broken by [thanks Camarade_Tux] - December 15, 2006
NOTE: Although this release has been extensively tested, several low-level enhancements were made. If you have any mission-critical scripts, it is recommended that you retest them and/or wait a few weeks for any bugs to get fixed.
Fixed comma-separated declaration initializers such as "local x = 1, y = 2" to work even when immediately below an if/else/loop statement.
Fixed comma-separated expressions so when the leftmost item is an assignment, it will occur before the others rather than after. [thanks Laszlo]
Changed and fixed function-calls so that any changes they make to dynamic variable names, environment variables, and built-in variables (such as Clipboard) are always visible to subsequent parts of the expression that called them.
Changed: When a multi-statement comma is followed immediately by a variable and an equal sign, that equal sign is automatically treated as a := assignment. For example, all of the following are assignments: x:=1, y=2, a=b=c
Changed comma-separated expressions to produce the following effects: 1) the leftmost /= operator becomes true divide rather than EnvDiv; 2) blank values are not treated as zero in math expressions (thus they yield blank results).
Improved the performance of expressions by 5 to 20% (depending on type).
Improved the new assignment operators such as .= to support the Clipboard variable (even in comma-separated expressions).
Improved the .= operator so that it doesn't require a space to its left.
Improved GUI controls to accept static variables as their associated variables (formerly only globals were allowed).
Added option HwndOutputVar to "Gui Add", which stores a control's HWND in OutputVar. [thanks Corrupt & Toralf]

Всего записей: 409 | Зарегистр. 14-02-2006 | Отправлено: 11:33 04-01-2007

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Latest Changes:  
- Fixed the Input command to allow named end keys like {F9} to work even when the shift key is being held down (broken by v1.0.45)
- Fixed inability of "Gui Show" to focus the GUI window when the tray menu is used both to reload the script and to show the GUI window
- Fixed inability to pass some types of assignments (:=) to a ByRef parameter

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 07:02 05-01-2007

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Latest Changes:  
- Applied minor fixes and improvements to regular expressions by upgrading from PCRE 6.7 to 7.0. One of the most notable improvements is the `a option, which recognizes any type of newline (namely `r, `n, or `r`n). Similarly, the \R escape sequence means "a
- Changed and fixed all Control commands and StatusBarWait to obey SetTitleMatchMode RegEx as documented
- Changed RegExReplace() to return the original/unaltered string rather than "" when an error occurs
- Changed: Enabled the Terminal Server Awareness flag on AutoHotkey.exe and compiled scripts
- Improved preformance when assigning large strings returned from user-defined functions

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 07:20 17-01-2007

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- Fixed crash of illegally-named dynamic variables on the left of an equal-sign assignment (broken by 1.0.45)
- Fixed FileMoveDir's "Option 2" to work properly even when the directory is being both renamed and moved
- Fixed inability to pass a variable ByRef if that same expression changed it from empty to non-empty (when #NoEnv is absent)
- Changed DllCall's A_LastError to reflect only changes made by the script, not by AutoHotkey itself

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 07:12 25-01-2007

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- Fixed unreliability of ComSpec and environment variables on Windows 9x (broken by v1.0.46.07). [thanks Loriss]
- Changed the Terminal Server Awareness flag back to "disabled" on AutoHotkey.exe and compiled scripts. This improves flexibility and backward compatibility (see discussion at forum)
- Changed: When AutoHotkey.exe is launched without a script specified, it will now run (or prompt you to create) the file AutoHotkey.ahk in the My Documents folder
- Improved DllCall to support an integer in place of the function name, which is interpreted as the address of the function to call

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 06:47 09-02-2007

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Latest Changes:  
- Fixed inability to recognize a literal scientific notation number that begins with 0, such as 0.15e+1

Всего записей: 2063 | Зарегистр. 06-02-2005 | Отправлено: 08:51 25-04-2007

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Господа, кто-нибудь связывался с разработчиком? Программа понимает дополнительные кнопки мыши только 4 и 5, но надо расширить ее на мышь с 10 кнопками, то есть, добавить переопределение XButton3..XButton10. Она на эти имена ругается.
Иначе невозможно пользоваться 10-ти кнопочной мышью Defender 5195/5190, какой-то #$%^$... назначил ей намертво ненужные сочетания кнопок, а переназначение не предусмотрел. Хотя мышь сама по себе неплохая.

Всего записей: 1782 | Зарегистр. 26-06-2003 | Отправлено: 15:14 26-04-2007
Dj BoBo

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Исправлены проблемы с некоторыми переменными, которые отвечают за статистику, а также установку файлов, добавлена поддержка упаковщика UPX версии 3.00, что в свою очередь уменьшило размер генерируемых приложений.

Всего записей: 1610 | Зарегистр. 20-02-2007 | Отправлено: 13:46 10-05-2007
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