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Цитата: новейшая версия не поддерживает H.265 | Вроде как делают поддержку. В том числе и для DRM-видео. Go to the web page "about:config" in your Firefox. In the search bar at the top, type "hevc". It should find "media.wmf.hevc.enabled". ... If enabled, you should have a "1" at the end of that line. If you have a "0", "hevc" is disabled. If you have it on "0", simply double-click the "0", then type in "1" and then press Enter. 1, HEVC support (for DRM video content only) should be available in Nightly 130 ..... 2, We're still evaluating usage of HEVC for non-DRM content--if it becomes compelling enough, we will prioritize it. We have the technical foundation for support, but we have not committed to a specific release at the moment.
| Всего записей: 2859 | Зарегистр. 02-01-2018 | Отправлено: 16:18 21-12-2024 | Исправлено: RetroRocket, 16:18 21-12-2024 |