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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » WebSite-Watcher

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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[+] Bookmark properties + Advanced: New section "Forum"
[+] Forum-Wizard re-implemented
[+] Forum-Templates: Footer selection can optionally have changing numbers
[+] Reopen last browser tab: WebSite-Watcher has now an internal history of closed browser tabs (previous versions could only reopen the last closed browser tab).
[+] Automatically select the correct checking method for Yahoo Groups
[+] FTP-Proxy - new option: FTP-over-HTTP for proxies that do not support the FTP protocol. Using that option lets you for example check FTP URLs with the proxy Squid. A detailed description, disadvantages and limitations of that method can be found in the help file
[+] FTP Proxy configuration: Different proxy login types to be compatible with certain proxies. The correct login type can be determined automatically in the proxy configuration.
[+] Browser toolbar: New button to close the internal browser (disabled by default, can be enabled via toolbar customization)
[x] Improved detection of new/changed RSS feed postings
[x] Better compatibility with certain SMTP servers
[+] Internal Browser + Analysis: The "Keywords" analysis has been enhanced for virtual folders
[+] Import/Export from/to Excel: troubleshooting variables added
[x] Import/Export from/to Excel: Several improvements and fixes
[+] Script: The command "CheckFolder" can check virtual folders
[+] PDF-Plugin: Future versions of WebSite-Watcher will no longer produce false update notifications after improving/changing the text extraction of PDF files.
[x] PDF plugin: Improved text extraction from certain PDF files
[+] Word plugin: WebSite-Watcher is now able to extract Unicode text from Word files
[x] Removed: Alternative PDF text extraction when using the PDF plugin (The alternative text extraction was done via the IFILTER system and was removed because updating the PDF reader could cause false positives. For example, a PDF IFILTER is no longer delivered and installed automatically with Acrobat Reader 10 while it was available in Acrobat Reader 9). The PDF plugin works now independently from the installed PDF reader.
[x] Download-Manager: Improved detection of filename and file extension after relocations
[x] Checked facebook pages displayed a horizontal scrollbar, WSW now fixes a bad CSS definition in facebook pages automatically.
[x] Checking method "IE/Browser" and "IE Macros" improved
[x] Some features didn't work correctly when the option "spam_detected bookmark when an error occurred" was disabled
[-] Text extraction from certain Excel files did not work
[-] Vertical scrollbar was not always displayed properly in various list boxes
[-] Fixed a false positive when checking certain Excel files (could only happen if the previous check reported an error)
[-] WebSite-Watcher could freeze under certain circumstances
- Indonesian user interface added
- Many smaller optimizations, improvements and fixes

Всего записей: 2953 | Зарегистр. 18-01-2007 | Отправлено: 16:38 20-06-2011 | Исправлено: faridmif, 16:41 20-06-2011
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