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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Task Coach - дружелюбный таск-менеджер (todo)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Release 1.2.11 - March 10, 2011
This is a mixed bugfix and feature release.
Bugs fixed:
  • Sometimes the total effort per period displayed in the effort viewer would be wrong. (3146576)
  • On Windows, the icons of the undo and redo menu items would disappear after their first use.
  • Correctly remember the main window position when closing Task Coach while the main window is minimized. (3199529)
    Features added:
  • Import tasks from CSV file.
  • In addition to hiding all completed tasks, it is now also possible to hide completed tasks but keep recently completed tasks visible for a limited amount of time. This can be done by hiding tasks that were completed before today, before yesterday, before the current week or before the current month, using the View->Filter menu. (http://uservoice.com/a/lZ8ss)
  • In addition to hiding all future tasks, it is now also possible to hide future tasks but still show future tasks that will become active in a short while. This can be done by hiding future tasks that start today, tomorrow, next week or next month, using the View->Filter menu.
    Features changed:
  • Keyboard shortcut improvements: On Windows and Linux, the keyboard shortcut for adding a task is now simply Insert. A new subtask can be added with Shift-Insert. On Mac OS X, the Insert shortcut doesn't work for some reason so there a new task can be added with Cmd-N and a new subtask with Shift-Cmd-N. The Delete keyboard shortcut works for all viewers. Notes can be added to tasks and categories with the Ctrl-B keyboard shortcut. Tasks and notes can be mailed with the Ctrl-M keyboard shortcut. Attachments can be added with the Shift-Ctrl-A keyboard shortcut and all attachments of an item can be opened with the Shift-Ctrl-O keyboard shortcut.
  • Rearranged the menu's: Instead of a Task, Category, Effort and Note menu, there are now a New menu for creating new items and an Actions menu for applying actions such as marking a task completed, mailing an item and starting and stopping effort tracking. The Edit and Delete menu items are now placed in the Edit menu.
    Distribution changed:
  • Task Coach was added to the Ports collection of FreeBSD thanks to Kevin Lo. See the download section of the Task Coach website.

  • Всего записей: 2341 | Зарегистр. 01-02-2011 | Отправлено: 23:28 10-03-2011
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