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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Total Commander (Часть 7)

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Betauser RC

Advanced Member
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03.06.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 3
02.06.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Problem with packing to 7zip archives (with plugin), could result in duplicate files
02.06.10 Fixed: Increased maximum number of custom hints from 20 to 100, increased saving speed (when using a virus scanner)
02.06.10 Fixed: F5 copy from archive to Desktop had stopped working again (refresh must be done manually)
02.06.10 Added: Synchronize dirs with FTP when files with same name but different case exist: Find exact name match, e.g. index.htm on both sides, and allow to sync them
02.06.10 Fixed: Also play just a default beep in "Compare by content" when user presses Ctrl+C and nothing is selected
01.06.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 3 (pre2)
01.06.10 Added: HTML Help: All links to external web pages now open separately in the default browser
01.06.10 Fixed: Tree view in one of the two main panels: F7 created dir on Desktop instead of in the directory under the cursor (only works in real directories)
01.06.10 Fixed: Play just a default beep in Lister when user presses Ctrl+C and nothing is selected (Reason: Some translation programs seem to send Ctrl+C to Lister!)
31.05.10 Added: Synchronize dirs with FTP when files with same name but different case exist, e.g. index.htm + INDEX.HTM -> just show these files in red and ignore them (can be viewed or deleted)
31.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: No subdirectory headers were shown when using "Only selected" with some selected dirs, but "Recurse subdirs" turned off (which compares files in these dirs, but not their subdirs)
31.05.10 Fixed: With VistaDelete=1, the file list wasn't refreshed if at least one file couldn't be deleted (because VistaDelete returned an ERROR)
31.05.10 Fixed: USB Port connection: When directory download was aborted immediately before the server sent the SIZE command, no other directories could be listed for a few seconds
31.05.10 Fixed: Bugfix from 24.05.10 when deleting with VistaDelete=1 wasn't working when deleting very large image files (dialog takes longer to appear)
30.05.10 Fixed: In the ftp connection details dialog, when typing ftps:// , the cursor was jumping to the start of the line when the SSL checkbox was checked
30.05.10 Added: Support HASH command (MD5 and SHA-1 only) if announced via FEAT command
30.05.10 Fixed: Call Application.Terminate instead of Halt when user clicks on "No" in plugin exception dialog to avoid double error
30.05.10 Fixed: FTP: Make sure the reconnected path is the same as before when continuing a transfer
30.05.10 Fixed: Compare by contents: Could not abort the comparison for the interactive display (only the initial comparison with progress dialog)
28.05.10 Added: Synchronize dirs: Allow to open "compare by content" via right click menu or Ctrl+F3 even when file exits on only one side (was requested to compare file with user-chosen other)
26.05.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 3 (pre1)
26.05.10 Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect on uploads and downloads when the control connection is lost (e.g. caused by a bug in the Windows 7 firewall when using FTPS)
25.05.10 Fixed: Handle faulty FTP servers returning incomplete reply to FEAT or HELP SITE command (missing last line starting with 3 digit number) via 5 second timeout
25.05.10 Fixed: Multi-rename tool on FTP server: Allow to reconnect if connection is lost while renaming
25.05.10 Fixed: Files - Change attributes: "Change date/time" checkbox wasn't always checked when clicking on "Load from file under cursor"
24.05.10 Fixed: When deleting with VistaDelete=1, ignore the "Cancel" button until after the dialog "Do you want to delete.." has been shown
23.05.10 Fixed: Renaming a directory while showing separate tree could hang TC when Shift+F6 was pressed while the tree was still being updated
23.05.10 Fixed: CRC check dialog didn't use user-defined TC icon (via iconlib option in wincmd.ini)
23.05.10 Fixed: Choosing Ctrl+F - New connection - Anonymous crashed on Windows 2000
23.05.10 Fixed: Switch from a tab with fs plugin custom columns view to tab with thumbs view, turn off thumbs view -> plugin custom columns were enabled also on local drive
23.05.10 Fixed: Could not abort reading of extremely long directory via port connection (when server sends WAIT commands)
23.05.10 Fixed: TC hangs when trying to unpack 0 byte file created by packer izarcc (reason: compression is set to bzip2, but no data present)
21.05.10 Fixed: TcUsbRun.exe not adding menu items to insert notification dialog on Vista x64 -> need to write to 64-bit registry branch
21.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Main window could become accessible when synchronizing via port connection
21.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Copying was aborted immediately when trying to sync after aborting compare by content (so some [?] results remained)
20.05.10 Fixed: When copying NTFS permissions, also copy the state of the "inherit" flag (whether rights should be inherited from the parent or not)

Всего записей: 1674 | Зарегистр. 03-11-2008 | Отправлено: 23:51 03-06-2010

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Total Commander (Часть 7)
articlebot (19-12-2012 23:27): переезжаем в новую тему, Часть 8

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