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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Shotcut

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Silver Member
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Added a Pillar Echo video filter and made it available in Slideshow generator as Pad Blur.
Added a Text: Rich video filter and made Text: HTML hidden since it is deprecated (still loads in old projects).
Added a workspace layout switcher to the main toolbar for the new stock workspace layouts.
Added a VUI to the 360: Transform video filter to adjust parameters by dragging.
Added Set Equirectangular Projection... to the Jobs menu for a successful export job. This is used to add metadata to a video file to indicate it is 360॰ video in the equirectangular projection as required by most players and web services.
Improved the performance of the Timeline especially with projects over one hour long.
Upgraded FFmpeg to version 4.3.1.
Changed Size and Position to Size, Position & Rotate and made Rotate and Scale hidden (only appears in old projects).
Replaced Choppy, Crop: Circle, and Crop: Rectangle filters with new versions that do not use HTML through WebVfx, which was deprecated in version 20.06.28.
Changed the Rutt-Etra-Izer, Swirl, and Text: 3D filters to be hidden since they are deprecated (still loads in old projects).
Replaced View > Layout > Timeline Project, Playlist Project, and Clip-only Project with new, better Logging, Editing, FX, Color, Audio, and Player stock layouts.
The current layout is saved automatically for each stock layout if selected, and Restore Default Layout is different for each stock layout.
Changed the video track hidden icon on the System theme to be more clear and obvious.
Show an error dialog on startup if the frei0r plugins are not installed (only affects Linux distribution packages).
Fixed using a secure connection to get the upgrade URL.
Fixed a rounding error for Color Grading video filter.
Fixed a crash and incorrect preview scaling with more than one Rotate and Scale or Size and Position filter.
Fixed colors when using an alpha/VP8 or alpha/VP9 export preset.
Fixed video compositing with nothing on video track V1 or V1 hidden.
Fixed export may fail when using extended (non-Latin-1) characters in path.
Fixed EDL export.
Fixed Export, Convert, or Reverse may fail if a temporary file it creates becomes locked on Windows.
Fixed Properties > Color button not opening the color dialog with the current color.
Fixed the Crop: Source video filter when using Settings > Proxy.
Fixed a crash when dragging a MLT XML project file to a non-empty Timeline.
Fixed the font dialog may too big or the preview inside the font dialog too big for Text: Simple filter.
Fixed filters not being applied to the portion of a clip inside a transition after undo of Cut, Lift, Remove, Ripple Delete, or move.

Всего записей: 2108 | Зарегистр. 15-12-2018 | Отправлено: 22:29 02-09-2020
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Shotcut

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