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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » FAR Manager (часть 6)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

Maz (26-09-2022 12:52): FAR Manager (часть 7)  Версия для печати • ПодписатьсяДобавить в закладки
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Tracker Mod
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The zip file currently has 36 detections that are all completely different... I haven't been able to get a sensible response from anyone about it and nobody seems to know what's happening.
Half of the detections are:
It's all over the place with every vendor detecting something completely different:
The setup - which has an embedded copy of the exact same zip file - has only 9 detections but they're all different yet again:
AV software is definitely broken right now... I've discovered the "Gen:Variant.Mikey" detections are because we're using the MessageBoxW function... the others I have no idea.
An educated guess is that vendors updated their sandboxes/scanners with the latest Windows patches released the other day but then haven't bothered to account for internal API changes introduced by Microsoft and are now detecting those internal changes as modifications by the process being scanned man_shrugging
I'm going to replace MessageBoxW as a workaround for the "Gen:Variant.Mikey" detections but that might cause issues with the warning dialogs/error prompts... I'll try get some sense from vendors why their software is broken and when they're releasing fixes.
commented 1 hour ago
Microsoft and Malwarebytes have removed their detections for the latest nightly... I've also removed MessageBoxW and MessageBeep from the IAT.
That's 5 detections removed right there, 30 more vendors making excuses and arguments yet to go.
What an absolute fucking joke of an industry.

Всего записей: 33217 | Зарегистр. 31-07-2002 | Отправлено: 20:54 11-02-2021 | Исправлено: Victor_VG, 21:00 11-02-2021

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » FAR Manager (часть 6)
Maz (26-09-2022 12:52): FAR Manager (часть 7)

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