Newbie | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Vadimka_DDD Цитата: PC Suit требует только оригинальные (фирменные) кабели от NOKIA, с другими не работает | Обоснуй! У меня китайский DKU-5 compatible - спокойно работает. Цитата: Follow the steps below exactly to install driver of USB Data Cable: 1. Switch on your computer and make sure the USB port is in working condition. 2. Make sure your USB Data Cable is NOT connected to your PC when you install the driver. 3. Put in the CD, the "DKU-5 Connectivity Adapter Cable" auto-run will start. 4 .Click "Enter" -> "Installing the driver" to start driver installation. 5. Select "Step 1 Install USB-to_Serial Bridge", and click "Open" to start. 6. Click "Next" button to install "PL-2303 USB-to-Serial" driver. 7. Click "Finish" button to complete the installation. 8. Select "Step 2 Install DKU-5 Driver", and click "Open" to start. 9. Click "Next" button to install "Nokia Connectivity Adpater Cable DKU-5" driver. 10. Click "Finish" button to complete the installation. 11. You will be asked to restart your PC, take out your CD and click "Finish" to restart your PC. 12. Plug in the USB Data Cable to your USB port. | (без телефона) Цитата: 13. You PC will auto-detect the new hardware and complete the installation. 14. Go to "Start" -> "Settings" -> "Control Panel" -> "System". 15. From the popup window, click on "Device Manager" tab and expend the "Ports (COM & LPT)" item. 16. Check the serial port number assigned by Windows to this USB [e.g. USB to Serial Port (COM4)]. | Здесь мое примечание: Вынуть USB Data Cable из порта и вставить его (вместе с телефоном) только по приглашению программы установки. Цитата: 17. Put in the CD and select "Installing Software" to start application installation. 18. Follw "Step 2 Installing PC Suite" to install application suitable for your OS. 19. Reboot you computer when software installation is completed. | |