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Операционная система Tails на основе Debian
обсуждение работы

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Сайт Tails
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Новейшая версия Tails: Образ ISO | Файл подписи для ISO | torrent ISO | Образ IMG | Файл подписи для IMG | torrent IMG  
Тестовые сборки
tails-i386-2.11 - последняя сборка с I2P, предпоследняя x32-сборка - torrent's magnet-link, tracker (через TOR).

Ещё более параноидальная ОС - Kodachi Linux. Сравнение присутствует. Changelog.

Всего записей: 385 | Зарегистр. 13-03-2012 | Отправлено: 12:54 15-06-2014 | Исправлено: mleo, 17:24 06-02-2025

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Подскажите, пожалуйста, кто пользуется Kodachi Linux, как принудительно изменить выходную ноду сети Tor? Номер сборки 8.2.

Всего записей: 155 | Зарегистр. 26-09-2006 | Отправлено: 12:06 01-04-2021 | Исправлено: solgerg, 12:07 01-04-2021
Engaged Clown

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Tails v4.18

Remove "Synchronizing the system's clock" notification when connecting to Tor network
Remove Poedit
Update Tor Browser to 10.0.16
Update Thunderbird to 78.9.0-1
Update some Intel and Linux firmware packages. This should improve support for newer hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on).
Use more reliable Debian repositories
Display an error message when the Upgrader fails to download the signing key. This has been a silent error since 4.14
Automatic upgrades are broken from Tails 4.14 and earlier


Kodachi Linux v8.4

+ Kernel upgrade from 5.11.10 to 5.11.14 I will also provide an ISO with kernel 5.4.67 for those who have issues with latest kernels
+ Now you can connect to new Kodachi VPN nodes with TOR end enabled ( You get new TOR IP each time you connect to those nodes so you VPN ip is hidden as well gift for anonymous dudes and pen testers
+ Now you can set the watched ip on VPN tab to auto update it self
+ Keystroke anonymizer kloak was added and you can control it from panic room    
+ Now you can update TOR circuit with a click of a button
+ Quad9 uncensored DNS added  
+ Adguard DNS added
+ Wifi Radar was added this will detect ALpha devices
+ iommu=soft boot parameter was added to installed grub
! Fixed kernel information display error on Dashboard
! Fixed Dashboard freezing issue
! Fixed your own vpn has kodachi word replaced with config
! Fixed a bug where top information area expander could not be hidden
! Online check script improved
! BTC balance checker improved    
- Replaced Onion circuits with TOR circuits NYX very cool app try it

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Всего записей: 8856 | Зарегистр. 08-06-2006 | Отправлено: 20:01 20-04-2021
Engaged Clown

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Tails v4.19

  • Stop pinning the TLS certificate of our website when doing automatic upgrades.
        We broke automatic upgrades twice recently; once in December in 4.14 and again during a few days on May 15. These 2 times, it was the consequence of a security feature: the pinning of the TLS certificate of our website when doing automatic upgrades.
        We removed this feature because the recent problems proved us that this feature was not worth it if it makes us break automatic upgrades that often. (#18324)
        Our upgrades are still as strongly authenticated as they are signed using OpenPGP by our team.
  • Add visual feedback when typing an administration password with sudo in a terminal:
        amnesia@amnesia:~$ sudo -i
        [sudo] password for amnesia: ********  
  • Update Tor Browser to 10.0.17.
  • Update Thunderbird to 78.10.0.

  • ----------
    Опросы ru-board'а

    Всего записей: 8856 | Зарегистр. 08-06-2006 | Отправлено: 08:05 02-06-2021

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    Tails v4.20

  • Update OnionShare from 1.3.2 to 2.2.
    This major update adds a feature to host a website accessible from a Tor onion service.
  • Update KeePassXC from 2.5.4 to 2.6.2.
  • This major update comes with a redesign of the interface.
  • Update Tor Browser to 10.5.2.
  • Update Thunderbird to 78.11.0.
  • Update Tor to
  • Update the Linux kernel to 5.10.46. This should improve the support for newer hardware (graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on).
  • Rename MAC address spoofing as MAC address anonymization in the Welcome Screen.

  • Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 11:27 14-07-2021 | Исправлено: mleo, 11:29 14-07-2021

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    Tails v4.21

    Changes and updates
  • Update Tor Browser to 10.5.4.
  • Update Thunderbird to 78.12
    Fixed problems
  • Prevent Tails Installer from deleting a Persistent Storage when doing a manual upgrade and choosing Cancel in the confirmation dialog. (#18494)
    Known issues
    None specific to this release.

  • Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 16:34 11-08-2021

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    Tails v4.22
    Tails v4.23

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 17:23 07-09-2021 | Исправлено: mleo, 16:09 06-11-2021

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    Tails v4.24

    Changes and updates
  • Update Tor Browser to 11.0.
  • Make the confirmation dialog of Tails Installer more scary when reinstalling a USB stick that has a Persistent Storage. (#18301)
    Improvements to the Tor Connection assistant
  • Improve the time zone selection interface. (#18514)
  • Improve the explanation when fixing the clock. (#18572)
  • Explain better how to type a bridge. (#18597)
  • Remove mention to local networks when opening the Unsafe Browser. (#18600)
    Fixed problems
  • Avoid high CPU usage when getting download progress info in Tails Upgrader. (#18632)
    For more details, read our changelog.

  • Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 16:02 06-11-2021 | Исправлено: mleo, 16:07 06-11-2021

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    Tails v4.25
    Новые функции:
    1. Backup utility (резервирование Persistent Storage)
    2. External Hard Disk (запуск с внешнего жёсткого диска или одного из нескольких USB)

    Changes and updates
  • Update Tor Browser to 11.0.2.
  • Update Tor to
  • Add a shortcut to restart Tails when the Unsafe Browser was not enabled in the Welcome Screen.
  • Add a link from the error screen of the Tor Connection assistant to our documentation on
    Fixed problems
  • Fix the display problems in the Unsafe Browser. (#18668)

  • Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 16:13 08-12-2021

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    Tails v4.26

    Changes and updates
    * Resolve "All branches FTBFS since Thunderbird 91 was uploaded"
        Closes issues:
          - All branches FTBFS since Thunderbird 91 was uploaded (tails/tails#18789)
          - pin thunderbird l10n packages, too
          - Add freeze exceptions for 4.26
          - Enable the 18789-fix-ftbfs-thunderbird-91 APT overlay (refs: #18789).
      * Upgrade Tor Browser to 11.0.4-build2 (tails/tails!710)
        Closes issues:
          - Upgrade to Tor Browser 11.0. … 4? (tails/tails#18795)
          - Fetch Tor Browser from our own archive
          - Upgrade Tor Browser to 11.0.4-build2
      * Resolve "Change buttons to [Start Tor Browser Offline] [Open Tor Connection]
        when starting Tor Browser while not connected to tor" (tails/tails!704)
        Closes issues:
          - Change buttons to [Start Tor Browser Offline] [Open Tor Connection] when
            starting Tor Browser while not connected to tor (tails/tails#18584)
          - open TorBrowser when offline →opens Tor Connection
      * Use DuckDuckGo for search queries on our website (tails/tails!498)
          - Don't search on staging.tails.boum.org
          - Shorten
          - Translate searchbox placeholder
          - Factorize the CSS translation hack
          - Remove useless template
          - Improve search box
          - Align better the heart and the label
          - Use DuckDuckGo on news as well
          - Prevent Search and Donate from touching on small screen
          - Fix contrast to WCAG AA
          - Use DuckDuckGo for search queries (#17652)

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 15:03 30-01-2022 | Исправлено: mleo, 15:10 30-01-2022

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    Tails v4.27
    Changes and updates

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 01:44 14-02-2022 | Исправлено: mleo, 01:46 14-02-2022

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    Tails v4.28
    Changes and updates

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 22:57 10-03-2022

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    Tails v4.29
    Changes and updates

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 15:47 11-04-2022

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    Tails v5.0
    Changes and updates

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 00:17 04-05-2022 | Исправлено: mleo, 00:19 04-05-2022

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    Tails v5.1
    Changes and updates

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 16:37 05-06-2022 | Исправлено: mleo, 16:42 05-06-2022

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    Tails v5.2
    Changes and updates

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 13:39 14-07-2022 | Исправлено: mleo, 13:46 14-07-2022

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    Tails v5.3
    Changes and updates

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 15:35 28-07-2022

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    Tails v5.4
    Changes and updates

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 00:03 26-08-2022

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    Подскажите возможно ли в Tails установить ProtonVPN и запускать его перед входом в TOR brouser?

    Всего записей: 1 | Зарегистр. 16-10-2022 | Отправлено: 21:20 16-10-2022

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    Tails v5.6
    Changes and updates

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 00:43 29-10-2022 | Исправлено: mleo, 00:44 29-10-2022

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    Test the new Persistent Storage and Wayland support

    Всего записей: 6851 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 13:26 07-11-2022 | Исправлено: mleo, 13:43 07-11-2022
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