BANNED | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Не нашел отдельной темы по этой операционной системе, и создал новую, посвященную вопросам безопасности. (Если спрашивать в теме Новичок в Linux, то не будет систематизации информации по ОС) Поэтому давайте общаться здесь. Alpine Linux is an independent, non-commercial, general purpose Linux distribution designed for power users who appreciate security, simplicity and resource efficiency. SMALL Alpine Linux is built around musl libc and busybox. This makes it smaller and more resource efficient than traditional GNU/Linux distributions. A container requires no more than 8 MB and a minimal installation to disk requires around 130 MB of storage. Not only do you get a fully-fledged Linux environment but a large selection of packages from the repository. Binary packages are thinned out and split, giving you even more control over what you install, which in turn keeps your environment as small and efficient as possible. SIMPLE Alpine Linux is a very simple distribution that will try to stay out of your way. It uses its own package manager called apk, the OpenRC init system, script driven set-ups and thats it! This provides you with a simple, crystal-clear Linux environment without all the noise. You can then add on top of that just the packages you need for your project, so whether its building a home PVR, or an iSCSI storage controller, a wafer-thin mail server container, or a rock-solid embedded switch, nothing else will get in the way. SECURE Alpine Linux was designed with security in mind. All userland binaries are compiled as Position Independent Executables (PIE) with stack smashing protection. These proactive security features prevent exploitation of entire classes of zero-day and other vulnerabilities. Идем в Wiki: Меня будут интересовать два вопроса, первый это изучение и настройка всех утилит из раздела: Monitoring: Вот начинаю в этом направлении: Alpine Security and Rescue вот здесь вычитал: The target is not to start a competition with the Fedora Security Lab or Kali. But rather make it easy to use the particular tools with Alpine Linux in a small, non GUI, and Busybox-based system. Получается, что в этой системе нет утилит с GUI интерфейсом? Setting up A Network Monitoring and Inventory System Intrusion Detection using Snort, Sguil, Barnyard and more,_Sguil,_Barnyard_and_more Intrusion Detection using Snort Т.е особенно, при анализе этой системы меня интересует вот этот раздел: Security: Запретить вот этот сервис как опасный: Firewall: Uncomplicated Firewall It provides a command line interface and aims to be uncomplicated and easy to use. Alpine Wall Здесь я с первого раза ничего не понял. How-To Alpine Wall Zero-To-Awall но везде только конфигурация файлов, и нигде я не нашел утилит для настройки в GUI. |