Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Игра просто отличная Лично я, впервые со времен 1-й цивилизации снова влюбился в этот продукт гейм-девелопмента (через разочарования Civ 2, Alpha Centauri, Civ 3). Добавим Civ IV к списку Civilization I, Fallout 2, Planescape и KotOR I Понравилось очень многое, в том числе о чем здесь уже говорили. Особенно внимание к деталям. Вот лишь некоторые из них. Цитата: - Note to Veteran Players: Unlike prior Civilization games, you may move onto the same space as a unit from another civilization without declaring war.When you do so a popup will appear asking if you want to attack the other unit or just move peacefully into the space. (If youre at war with the units civ already, you automatically attack the unit when you move into its space.)
- Note to Veteran Civilization Players: Unlike previous Civilization games, there is no immediate penalty for changing research paths.You can research half of one technology, change to a second technology and finish it, then return to the first one and pick up right where you left off before. Just make sure you return quickly as your people will start to “forget” what they have learned as time passes.
- Cultural defensive bonus у городов.
- CLOCK SCREEN. The Clock Options Screen lets you turn on and off a clock to time how long youve been playing, as well as set an alarm to let you know when you should stop playing and go to work. Or eat. [Roll over] the entries to see how they work.
- Similarly, we added research and production overflow – meaning that on the turn your city finishes a new building extra production will “spill over” onto your next project. In previous versions, this overflow was wasted, which encouraged players to bounce around their citizens each turn to prevent waste. Once again, a simple change could maintain the old turn-based system minus the micro-management.
- Специализация городов, состоящая из целой кучи элементов. В том числе поборонный ICS.
| Цитата: Why did people love Civ? It is, of course, no one thing. However, certain patterns do emerge:“If I research Gunpowder, I can build a stronger military;”“If I capture that city, Ill get a new luxury;”“If I build the Pyramids,my cities will blossom;” and – of course – “If I play just one more turn…”The turn-based gameplay is key to a series of overlapping mini-goals which usually lead to the same result: a very late night of gaming. | Бросается в глаза, что не хватает религиозных Holy Wars Когда при определенных уловиях можно было владельцу Holy City объявить войну против "неверных", вынужденно вовлекающую представителей этой же веры в союзники, а всех других (или одной определенной) в противоположенный лагерь. Эх... где же они? P.S. Как отключить интро-мувик при старте игры? |