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Цитата: куда рыть? переставил openfire полностью,,,только в этот раз базу сделал mysql а не встроенню,, но вотпроблема сразу дала о себе знать,,,все контакты в листе вопросами!!? | Вопрос уже неоднократно обсуждался на форуме, как этом, так и на фирменном. Необходиомо настроить мускул на работу с UTF-8 База мускула должна иметь кодировку UTF-8 (обычно этого бывает достаточно) Цитата: CREATE DATABASE my_database DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8; | Если не помогает или ваш мускул имеет версию младше 4-той, тогда Цитата: Using MySQL and Unicode with Wildfire Author: Greg Unrein, Created on: Jan 18, 2006 4:04 PM Introduction Until recently, MySQL did not have proper Unicode support, which made supporting postings in non-Western languages difficult. By configuring Wildfire correctly it is possible to work around this limitation. Symptoms Unicode characters are garbled. Resolution In order for character encodings to work correctly with MySQL, Wildfire administrators will need to specify the encoding in two places. First, in the JDBC URL for MySQL add "characterEncoding={character set}" to the end of the URL as a parameter. The character set in this case should be the one for MySQL and not for Wildfire. For example, if UTF-8 is being used in the Wildfire then utf8 is the correct character set to specify since this is the character set that MySQL expects. This setting is only used to establish the JDBC connection with the MySQL server. The complete JDBC URL for the example above is: jdbc:mysql://{host name}:{port}/{database name}?characterEncoding=utf8 You can get a list of MySQL character sets in the MySQL console by running typing this command: SHOW CHARACTER SET; Next, the MySQL JDBC driver has a workaround which should be enabled by adding <mysql> <useUnicode>true</useUnicode> </mysql> to the <database> section of the config.xml file. Note: Changes to config.xml should be done with Wildfire stopped. Community powered by the Integrated Server from Jive Software. | | Всего записей: 516 | Зарегистр. 17-03-2006 | Отправлено: 08:16 04-05-2007 | Исправлено: HumpSoft, 08:46 04-05-2007 |