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Цитата: А неожиданный (возможно) он потому, что все-же схему АД Вы не подготовили ... | Подготавливал схему сам exchange - в процессе подготовки к инсталяции. фрамеворк не той версии пока, например - он последней версии Цитата: И зря Вы так... Там действительно спецы пошагово и очень точно все дали. Хотя, я заметил, многим ниже собственного достоинства "мануалы" читать. А я Вас отправил к помощнику по развертыванию- практически оскорбил наверное... А по второй ссылке программный анализатор (Exchange Pre-Deployment Analyzer) вообще "некошерно" использовать. | - спишем это на плохое ваше настроение.....))))) (потому как мануалы прочитал и помощника изучил в 1-ю очередь(до того как ставить начал)) а вот анализатор у меня не хочет запускаться - грит нету файлика xml с конфигом(ExPDA.config.xml) Добавлено: лог: [03.28.2012 07:22:00.0483] [0] ********************************************** [03.28.2012 07:22:00.0483] [0] Starting Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Setup [03.28.2012 07:22:00.0483] [0] ********************************************** [03.28.2012 07:22:00.0483] [0] Local Time Zone: (UTC+09:00) Иркутск. [03.28.2012 07:22:00.0483] [0] Operating System version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1. [03.28.2012 07:22:00.0483] [0] Setup version: [03.28.2012 07:22:00.0483] [0] Logged on user: CLASSIC\admin. [03.28.2012 07:22:02.0373] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='nologo', Value=''. [03.28.2012 07:22:02.0373] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='roles', Value='Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.RoleCollection'. [03.28.2012 07:22:02.0373] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='sourcedir', Value='E:\'. [03.28.2012 07:22:02.0373] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='fromsetup', Value=''. [03.28.2012 07:22:02.0373] [0] Command Line Parameter Name='mode', Value='Install'. [03.28.2012 07:22:02.0389] [0] ExSetup was started with the following command: '/NoLogo /role:ca /sourcedir:E:" /FromSetup'. [03.28.2012 07:22:02.0748] [0] Setup is choosing the domain controller to use [03.28.2012 07:22:02.0842] [0] The MSExchangeADTopology has a persisted domain controller: srv1.classic.ru [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0529] [0] PrepareAD has been run, and has replicated to this domain controller; so setup will use srv1.classic.ru [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0529] [0] Setup is choosing a global catalog... [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0545] [0] Setup has chosen the global catalog server srv1.classic.ru. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0623] [0] Setup will use the domain controller 'srv1.classic.ru'. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0623] [0] Setup will use the global catalog 'srv1.classic.ru'. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0623] [0] Exchange configuration container for the organization is 'CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=classic,DC=ru'. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0623] [0] Exchange organization container for the organization is 'CN=classic,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=classic,DC=ru'. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0654] [0] Setup will search for an Exchange Server object for the local machine with name 'EXCHANGE'. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0685] [0] Exchange Server object found : 'CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=classic,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=classic,DC=ru'. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0717] [0] The following roles have been unpacked: BridgeheadRole ClientAccessRole MailboxRole AdminToolsRole [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0717] [0] The following datacenter roles are unpacked: [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0717] [0] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole AdminToolsRole [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0717] [0] The local server has some Exchange files installed. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0888] [0] Setup will use the path 'E:\' for installing Exchange. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0888] [0] Setup will discover the installed roles from server object 'CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=classic,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=classic,DC=ru'. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0888] [0] 'BridgeheadRole' is installed on the server object. [03.28.2012 07:22:03.0888] [0] The installation mode is set to: 'Install'. [03.28.2012 07:22:10.0762] [0] An Exchange organization with name 'classic' was found in this forest. [03.28.2012 07:22:10.0762] [0] Active Directory Initialization status : 'True'. [03.28.2012 07:22:10.0762] [0] Schema Update Required Status : 'False'. [03.28.2012 07:22:10.0762] [0] Organization Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'. [03.28.2012 07:22:10.0762] [0] Domain Configuration Update Required Status : 'False'. [03.28.2012 07:22:10.0762] [0] The locally installed version is [03.28.2012 07:22:10.0762] [0] Exchange Installation Directory : 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14'. [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0028] [0] Applying default role selection state [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0059] [0] Setup is determining what organization-level operations to perform. [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0059] [0] Because the value was specified, setup is setting the argument OrganizationName to the value classic. [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0059] [0] Setup will run from path 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\'. [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0137] [0] InstallModeDataHandler has 3 DataHandlers [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0137] [0] RootDataHandler has 1 DataHandlers [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0137] [0] The following server role(s) will be installed [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0152] [0] Роль сервера клиентского доступа [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0168] [0] Validating options for the 1 requested roles [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0184] [0] Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0871] [0] Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0887] [0] ************** [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0887] [0] Setup will run the task 'Start-PreSetup' [03.28.2012 07:22:11.0887] [1] Setup launched task 'Start-PreSetup -Mode 'Install' -Roles 'ClientAccessRole'' [03.28.2012 07:22:12.0418] [1] Параметры сеанса Active Directory для 'Start-PreSetup': Просмотреть весь лес: 'True', Контроллер домена конфигурации: "srv1.classic.ru", Предпочтительный глобальный каталог: "srv1.classic.ru", Предпочтительные контроллеры домена: "{ srv1.classic.ru }" [03.28.2012 07:22:12.0449] [1] Beginning processing Start-PreSetup -Mode:'Install' -Roles:'ClientAccessRole' [03.28.2012 07:22:12.0527] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Pre Setup' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPreSetupComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:12.0527] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles PreSetup' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesPreSetupComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:12.0527] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access PreSetup' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessPreSetupComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:12.0527] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Client Access PreSetup' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterClientAccessPreSetupComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:12.0543] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Pre Setup Last' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPreSetupLastComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0074] [1] Loaded 7 parameters from the configuration file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\EnterpriseServiceEndpointsConfig.xml". [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0074] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Start-PreSetup-20120328-16221205431579438218.ps1' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleBinPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Datacenter' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>http://pvt-contacts.msn.com/abservice/abservice.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation2.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.passport.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/GetUserRealm.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/RST2.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointMsoFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.microsoftonline-p.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallationMode = 'Install' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0090] [1] Executing: $RoleInvocationID = '20120328-16221205431579438218' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenter = $False [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleIsPartnerHosted = $False [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleIsServerSbs = $False [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggingPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleMsiInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleMsiInstallPathBin = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleProductPlatform = 'amd64' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleRoles = 'ClientAccessRole' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleSetupLoggingPath = 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Executing: $RoleTargetVersion = '14.01.0218.015' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] 0 tasks were found to execute. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Pre Setup' (Идет подготовка установки для всех ролей сервера Exchange.). [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Processing component 'Client Access PreSetup' (Идет подготовка установки для роли сервера клиентского доступа.). [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Processing component 'All Roles Pre Setup Last' (Настройка сервера.). [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0105] [1] Finished executing component tasks. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0121] [1] Ending processing Start-PreSetup [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0121] [0] ************** [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0121] [0] Setup will run the task 'Install-ClientAccessRole' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0121] [1] Setup launched task 'Install-ClientAccessRole -DomainController 'srv1.classic.ru' -updatesdir 'E:\Updates'' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0136] [1] Параметры сеанса Active Directory для 'Install-ClientAccessRole': Просмотреть весь лес: 'True', Контроллер домена конфигурации: "srv1.classic.ru", Предпочтительный глобальный каталог: "srv1.classic.ru", Предпочтительные контроллеры домена: "{ srv1.classic.ru }" [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0136] [1] Beginning processing Install-ClientAccessRole -DomainController:'srv1.classic.ru' -UpdatesDir:'E:\Updates' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0152] [1] Attempting Install for ClientAccessRole. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0152] [1] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole AdminToolsRole [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0152] [1] The following roles are current: BridgeheadRole AdminToolsRole [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0683] [1] Reading components for the role 'BridgeheadRole' from 'res://BridgeheadRoleDefinition.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0683] [1] Found 41 components [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0683] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0683] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0699] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 36 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0699] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0699] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0699] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0699] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0699] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Server License' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLicenseServer.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0714] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Pseudo-MTA Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyMTAComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0714] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 SMTP VSI Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacySMTPComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0714] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Perf Counters' with 32 task information blocks from 'res://TransportPerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0714] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0714] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0714] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Role Setter' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadRoleSetterComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0714] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Configuration' with 23 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0730] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 25 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0730] [1] Loaded component 'MSFTE Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://MsFteComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0730] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Configuration' with 45 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0730] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Log Search Service' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://TransportLogSearchServiceComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0730] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0746] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 5 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0746] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0746] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0746] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadExchangeCertificate.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0746] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0746] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0746] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0746] [1] Loaded component 'Bridgehead Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://BridgeheadServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0746] [1] Loaded component 'Transport Common Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://TransportCommonServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0761] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0761] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0793] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0793] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0793] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0793] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Configuration' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0793] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Bridgehead Perf Counters' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterBridgeheadPerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0793] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0793] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0808] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0808] [1] Loaded component 'BridgeheadSBSComponent' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://SbsBridgeHeadComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0808] [1] Loaded component 'Common SBS Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://SbsAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0808] [1] Reading components for the role 'AdminToolsRole' from 'res://AdminToolsRoleDefinition.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0808] [1] Found 5 components [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0808] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0808] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0808] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter File Copy Component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterFileCopyComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0808] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Admin Tools Component' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAdminToolsComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0824] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0824] [1] Reading components for the role 'ClientAccessRole' from 'res://ClientAccessRoleDefinition.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0824] [1] Found 50 components [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0824] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst_RunOnce.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0824] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common First' with 8 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0824] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' with 36 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesPrecompileManagementBinaries.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0824] [1] Loaded component 'ClientAccess Permissions Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessLocalPermissionsComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0824] [1] Loaded component 'Common Perf Counters ' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://CommonPerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0839] [1] Loaded component 'Provision Server' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://ProvisionServerComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0839] [1] Loaded component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommon.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0839] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Server License' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLicenseServer.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0839] [1] Loaded component 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://LegacyRegistryMarkersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0839] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Perf Counters' with 27 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessPerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0839] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Configuration' with 22 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0855] [1] Loaded component 'POP/IMAP Configuration' with 12 task information blocks from 'res://PopImapComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0855] [1] Loaded component 'ClientAccessExchangeCertificate' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessExchangeCertificate.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0855] [1] Loaded component 'OWA Configuration' with 10 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessOwaComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0855] [1] Loaded component 'ECP Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessEcpComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0855] [1] Loaded component 'RPC-over-HTTP Proxy Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessRpcProxyComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0855] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Services Configuration' with 20 task information blocks from 'res://ServicesComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0855] [1] Loaded component 'Data Storage Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DataStorageComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0855] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0871] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0871] [1] Loaded component 'RPC Client Access Service Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://RpcClientAccessComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0871] [1] Loaded component 'RPC Client Access Protocol Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcClientAccessConfiguration.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0871] [1] Loaded component 'Address Book Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AddressBookComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0871] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcEpmapFirewallException.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0871] [1] Loaded component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RemoteIISAdminFirewallException.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0871] [1] Loaded component 'Enable RPC over HTTP redirector firewall exception' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcHttpRedirectorException.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0871] [1] Loaded component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' with 5 task information blocks from 'res://MonitoringComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0886] [1] Loaded component 'PowerShell Configuration' with 4 task information blocks from 'res://PowerShellComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0886] [1] Loaded component 'File Distribution Service OAB Perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FDS_OAB_PerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0886] [1] Loaded component 'File Distribution Service Group Metrics Perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FDS_GM_PerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0886] [1] Loaded component 'File Distribution Service Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FileDistributionServiceComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0886] [1] Loaded component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://WSManIISHostingConfigurationComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0886] [1] Loaded component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://AllADRolesCommonServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0886] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ClientAccessServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0886] [1] Loaded component 'Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0902] [1] Loaded component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://ProtectedServiceHostServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0902] [1] Loaded component 'RPC Client Access Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://RpcClientAccessServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0902] [1] Loaded component 'File distribution Service Control' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://FileDistributionServiceControl.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0902] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonFirst.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0902] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Client Access Perf Counters' with 9 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterClientAccessPerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0902] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterServiceHostComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0902] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIDPerfCountersComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0949] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Client Access Configuration' with 97 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterClientAccessComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0949] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterLiveIdRpsComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0949] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Transport Log Search Service' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterTransportLogSearchServiceComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0949] [1] Loaded component 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' with 3 task information blocks from 'res://DatacenterAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0949] [1] Loaded component 'All Roles Common Last' with 6 task information blocks from 'res://AllRolesCommonLast.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0949] [1] Loaded component 'Client Access SBS Configuration' with 2 task information blocks from 'res://SbsClientAccessComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Loaded component 'Common SBS Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://SbsAllRolesCommonLast.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Loaded component 'Partner Hosted Client Access Configuration' with 1 task information blocks from 'res://PartnerHostedClientAccessComponent.xml' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'All Roles Common First - Run Once' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common First' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'All Roles Precompile Management Binaries' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'ClientAccess Permissions Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Common Perf Counters ' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Provision Server' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'All Active-Directory Roles Common' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Datacenter Server License' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Exchange 2003 Registry Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Client Access Perf Counters' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Client Access Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'POP/IMAP Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'ClientAccessExchangeCertificate' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'OWA Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'ECP Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'RPC-over-HTTP Proxy Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Client Access Services Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Data Storage Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Service Host Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Protected Service Host Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'RPC Client Access Service Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'RPC Client Access Protocol Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Address Book Service Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Enable RPC-EPMAP firewall exception' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Enable Remote IIS Admin RPC firewall exception' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Enable RPC over HTTP redirector firewall exception' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Monitoring Service Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'PowerShell Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'File Distribution Service OAB Perf Counters' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'File Distribution Service Group Metrics Perf Counters' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'File Distribution Service Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'WSMan IIS Hosting Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Client Access Service Control' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Service Host Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Protected Service Host Service Control' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'RPC Client Access Service Control' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'File distribution Service Control' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Datacenter Common Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Client Access Perf Counters' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Datacenter ServiceHost Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Datacenter Live ID perf Counters' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Client Access Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The component 'Datacenter All Roles LiveID RPS Configuration' is shared with a role that's already configured. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Datacenter Transport Log Search Service' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding 'Datacenter Common Configuration Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding 'All Roles Common Last' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Client Access SBS Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding 'Common SBS Configuration' because it's marked AlwaysExecute. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Adding unique component 'Partner Hosted Client Access Configuration' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] The following roles are installed: BridgeheadRole AdminToolsRole [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Loaded 7 parameters from the configuration file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\EnterpriseServiceEndpointsConfig.xml". [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Writing informational script to 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs\Install-ClientAccessRole-20120328-16221309641577296201.ps1' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleBinPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleCustomerFeedbackEnabled = $null [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Datacenter' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointABCHContactService = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>http://pvt-contacts.msn.com/abservice/abservice.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointDomainPartnerManageDelegation2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://domains.live.com/service/managedelegation2.asmx</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.passport.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveGetUserRealm = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/GetUserRealm.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointLiveServiceLogin2 = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://login.live.com/RST2.srf</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleDatacenterServiceEndpointMsoFederationMetadata = '<ServiceEndpoint><Url>https://nexus.microsoftonline-p.com/FederationMetadata/2006-12/FederationMetadata.xml</Url></ServiceEndpoint>' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleDomainController = 'srv1.classic.ru' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0964] [1] Executing: $RoleExternalCASServerDomain = $null [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleFqdnOrName = 'exchange.classic.ru' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallationMode = 'Install' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleInstallPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleInvocationID = '20120328-16221309641577296201' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleIsAdminToolsRoleInstalled = $True [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleIsBridgeheadRoleInstalled = $True [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleIsDatacenter = $False [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleIsPartnerHosted = $False [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleIsServerSbs = $False [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleLanguagePacksPath = 'E:\' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggedOnUser = 'CLASSIC\admin' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleLoggingPath = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Logging' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleNetBIOSName = 'EXCHANGE' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleNoSelfSignedCertificates = $False [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RolePreviousVersion = $null [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleProductPlatform = 'amd64' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleRoleName = 'ClientAccessRole' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleRoles = 'BridgeheadRole,AdminToolsRole' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleSetupLoggingPath = 'C:\ExchangeSetupLogs' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleTargetVersion = '14.01.0218.015' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: $RoleUpdatesDir = 'E:\Updates' [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Setup failed previously while performing the action Install. Looking for the failed task with ID ClientAccessComponent___178a10624c88445093855c4ede7e9b9c. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] 119 tasks were found to execute. [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Processing component 'Client Access Configuration' (Идет настройка клиентского доступа.). [03.28.2012 07:22:13.0980] [1] Executing: . "$RoleInstallPath\Scripts\ConfigureNetworkProtocolParameters.ps1"; Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck $false [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] The following 2 error(s) occurred during task execution: [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Неожиданный токен "&" в выражении или инструкции. [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: System.Management.Automation.ParseException: Неожиданный токен "&" в выражении или инструкции. в System.Management.Automation.Parser.PipelineRule() в System.Management.Automation.Parser.StatementRule() в System.Management.Automation.Parser.StatementListRule(Token start) в System.Management.Automation.Parser.ScriptBlockRule(String name, Boolean requireBrace, Boolean isFilter, ParameterDeclarationNode parameterDeclaration, List`1 functionComments, List`1 parameterComments) в System.Management.Automation.Parser.ParseScriptBlock(String input, Boolean interactiveInput) в System.Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo.get_ScriptBlock() в System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.GetScriptAsCmdletProcessor(IScriptCommandInfo scriptCommandInfo, ExecutionContext context, Boolean useNewScope, Boolean fromScriptFile) в System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.CreateScriptProcessorForSingleShell(ExternalScriptInfo scriptInfo, RunspaceConfigForSingleShell ssRunConfig, Boolean useLocalScope) в System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.LookupCommandProcessor(CommandInfo commandInfo, CommandOrigin commandOrigin, Nullable`1 useLocalScope) в System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.LookupCommandProcessor(String commandName, CommandOrigin commandOrigin, Nullable`1 useLocalScope) в System.Management.Automation.ExecutionContext.CreateCommand(String command) в System.Management.Automation.CommandNode.CreateCommandProcessor(Int32& index, ExecutionContext context) в System.Management.Automation.CommandNode.AddToPipeline(PipelineProcessor pipeline, ExecutionContext context) в System.Management.Automation.PipelineNode.Execute(Array input, Pipe outputPipe, ArrayList& resultList, ExecutionContext context) в System.Management.Automation.StatementListNode.ExecuteStatement(ParseTreeNode statement, Array input, Pipe outputPipe, ArrayList& resultList, ExecutionContext context) [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); . "$RoleInstallPath\Scripts\ConfigureNetworkProtocolParameters.ps1"; Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck $false " was run: "Неожиданный токен "&" в выражении или инструкции.". [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] [ERROR] Неожиданный токен "&" в выражении или инструкции. [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] 1. ErrorRecord: Имя "Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck" не распознано как имя командлета, функции, файла скрипта или выполняемой программы. Проверьте правильность написания имени, а также наличие и правильность пути, после чего повторите попытку. [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] 1. ErrorRecord: System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException: Имя "Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck" не распознано как имя командлета, функции, файла скрипта или выполняемой программы. Проверьте правильность написания имени, а также наличие и правильность пути, после чего повторите попытку. в System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.LookupCommandInfo(String commandName, CommandOrigin commandOrigin) в System.Management.Automation.CommandDiscovery.LookupCommandProcessor(String commandName, CommandOrigin commandOrigin, Nullable`1 useLocalScope) в System.Management.Automation.ExecutionContext.CreateCommand(String command) в System.Management.Automation.CommandNode.CreateCommandProcessor(Int32& index, ExecutionContext context) в System.Management.Automation.CommandNode.AddToPipeline(PipelineProcessor pipeline, ExecutionContext context) в System.Management.Automation.PipelineNode.Execute(Array input, Pipe outputPipe, ArrayList& resultList, ExecutionContext context) в System.Management.Automation.StatementListNode.ExecuteStatement(ParseTreeNode statement, Array input, Pipe outputPipe, ArrayList& resultList, ExecutionContext context) [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); . "$RoleInstallPath\Scripts\ConfigureNetworkProtocolParameters.ps1"; Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck $false " was run: "Имя "Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck" не распознано как имя командлета, функции, файла скрипта или выполняемой программы. Проверьте правильность написания имени, а также наличие и правильность пути, после чего повторите попытку.". [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] [ERROR] Имя "Set-NtlmLoopbackCheck" не распознано как имя командлета, функции, файла скрипта или выполняемой программы. Проверьте правильность написания имени, а также наличие и правильность пути, после чего повторите попытку. [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=ClientAccessComponent___178a10624c88445093855c4ede7e9b9c Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\Shared\Datacenter\Setup [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors. [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0011] [1] Finished executing component tasks. [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0027] [1] Ending processing Install-ClientAccessRole [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0027] [0] The Exchange Server setup operation didn't complete. More details can be found in ExchangeSetup.log located in the <SystemDrive>:\ExchangeSetupLogs folder. [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0027] [0] End of Setup [03.28.2012 07:22:14.0027] [0] ********************************************** |