
Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору iknow Цитата: ...а в целом зачем тебе что открывать?...у тебя что сервер архива не в локалке живет?? - там же и так обычно все открыто...в локалке то...или как | Конечно у меня всё в локалке. Мне нужно архивировать данные, которые находятся на нескольких серверах, в том числе и на ISA-сервере (прокси). В число основных функций исы входит файрвол. В этом файрволе у меня всё лишнее закручено. Можно, конечно, открыть все соединения с backup-сервера на ису и обратно (я так уже делал - всё работало), но мне хочется держать всё под контролем. Цитата: UPD ports 137 and 138 TCP ports 139 and 445 | Это стандартные порты и у меня они открыты в локальной сети. Дело в том, что я уже успел кое-где порыться. Кому интересно: Цитата: Using Backup Exec with Firewalls In firewall environments, Backup Exec provides the following advantages: 1. The number of ports used for backup network connections is kept to a minimum. 2. Ports opened on the Backup Exec Server and systems using the Remote Agent for Windows Servers are dynamic and offer high levels of flexibility during browsing, backup, and restore operations. 3. You can set specific firewall port ranges and specify backup and restore networks within these ranges to isolate data traffic and provide high levels of reliability. Note The Remote Agent for Windows Servers is required to perform remote backups and restores. Because firewalls affect system communications between a media server and remote systems that reside outside the firewall environment, special port requirements must be considered when configuring Backup Exec for use with firewalls. VERITAS recommends having port 10000 open and available on the Backup Exec media server as well as on the remote systems. In addition, you must open the dynamic port ranges specified for communications between the media server and remote agents. When a media server makes a connection with a remote system, the initial connection will be initiated to the well known port 10000. The Remote Agent will be listening for connections on this predefined port. The media server side of this connection will be bound to an available port. Additional connections from the media server to the Remote Agent will be initiated on any available port. Communication between the media server and the Remote Agent will usually require up to 2 ports on the remote agent side per backup operation. If you plan on supporting multiple backups and restores occurring simultaneously, you must configure your firewall to allow a range of ports large enough to support the maximum number of simultaneous operations desired. Chapter 6, Backing Up Data 321 Using Backup Exec with Firewalls Backing Up Data Should a conflict arise, the default port of 10000 can be changed to another port number by modifying the %systemroot%\System32\drivers\etc\services file, and changing the NDMP port to an alternate port number. For example, if you installed Windows 2000 to its default location, from your Windows Explorer, select C:\WINNT\System32\drivers\etc\services. Using a text editor, such as Notepad, modify your NDMP entry, or if necessary, add an NDMP entry with the new port number. This entry should be formatted as follows: ndmp 10000/tcp #Network Data Management Protocol Note If the default port is changed, it must be changed on the media server and all remote systems being backed up through the firewall on this port. When setting up TCP dynamic port ranges, VERITAS recommends using a range of 50 allocated ports for the media server (see “Enable Media Server TCP dynamic port range” on page 316), and 25 allocated ports for the remote systems (see “Enable Remote Agent TCP dynamic port range” on page 317). For optimum reliability, port ranges should not overlap. Note The number of dynamic ports used by the media server and remote systems can change based on the number of devices being protected and the number of tape devices in use. You may need to increase these port ranges to maintain the highest level of performance. Backup Exec and the firewall need to have the ranges defined (and port 10000). Unless you specify a range, Backup Exec uses the full range of dynamic ports available. When performing remote backups through a firewall, you should select a specific range on the Network and Firewall defaults dialog box. | Может, кто знает что ещё. Буду рад. | Всего записей: 1242 | Зарегистр. 24-03-2006 | Отправлено: 19:57 14-04-2006 | Исправлено: veryom, 11:24 15-04-2006 |