Junior Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Добрый день. Не работает почта Exchange 2003 кторая спрятана за ISA на другой машине. Подробно: первая машина DC+AD+ISA 2006 вторая машина EXchange 2003+ScanMail+OfficeScan Объясните подробнее на что ругается иса? что я не так опубликовал. с английским плохо Что ему там мой DNS Не нравится? Description: The server publishing rule S2 [почта] SMTP Server, which publishes the IP address on port TCP for the protocol SMTP Server, was unable to bind a socket for the server. The server publishing rule cannot be applied. The failure is due to error: 0x80070034 The server publishing rule S2 [почта] Exchange RPC Server, which publishes the IP address on port TCP for the protocol Exchange RPC Server, was unable to bind a socket for the server. The server publishing rule cannot be applied. The failure is due to error: 0x80070034 The server publishing rule S2 [почта] SMTP Server, which maps to for the protocol SMTP Server, was unable to bind a socket for the server. The server publishing rule cannot be applied. The failure is due to error: 0x80070034 The server publishing rule S2 [почта] Exchange RPC Server, which maps to for the protocol Exchange RPC Server, was unable to bind a socket for the server. The server publishing rule cannot be applied. The Firewall service failed to bind a socket for the server on the ISA Server computer because another process is using the same port. Check if any other process is using the same port, and stop it if necessary. |