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Код: 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Starting Squid Cache version 2.6.STABLE22 for i686-pc-winnt... 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Running as Squid Windows System Service on Windows Server 2003 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Service command line is: 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Process ID 1404 2009/03/25 23:39:08| With 2048 file descriptors available 2009/03/25 23:39:08| With 2048 CRT stdio descriptors available 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Windows sockets initialized 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Using select for the IO loop 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Performing DNS Tests... 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Successful DNS name lookup tests... 2009/03/25 23:39:08| DNS Socket created at, port 1117, FD 5 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Adding nameserver from Registry 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Adding nameserver from Registry 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Adding nameserver from Registry 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Adding nameserver from Registry 2009/03/25 23:39:08| Adding domain from Registry 2009/03/25 23:39:08| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'ncsa_auth.exe' processes 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: CHILD: c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe: (2) No such file or directory 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: PARENT: OK read test failed 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> read returned 4 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> got 'ERR%0A' 2009/03/25 23:39:11| WARNING: Cannot run 'c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe' process. 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: CHILD: c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe: (2) No such file or directory 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: PARENT: OK read test failed 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> read returned 4 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> got 'ERR%0A' 2009/03/25 23:39:11| WARNING: Cannot run 'c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe' process. 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: CHILD: c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe: (2) No such file or directory 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: PARENT: OK read test failed 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> read returned 4 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> got 'ERR%0A' 2009/03/25 23:39:11| WARNING: Cannot run 'c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe' process. 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: CHILD: c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe: (2) No such file or directory 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: PARENT: OK read test failed 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> read returned 4 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> got 'ERR%0A' 2009/03/25 23:39:11| WARNING: Cannot run 'c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe' process. 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: CHILD: c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe: (2) No such file or directory 2009/03/25 23:39:11| ipcCreate: PARENT: OK read test failed 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> read returned 4 2009/03/25 23:39:11| --> got 'ERR%0A' 2009/03/25 23:39:11| WARNING: Cannot run 'c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe' process. 2009/03/25 23:39:11| User-Agent logging is disabled. 2009/03/25 23:39:11| Referer logging is disabled. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 10 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Swap maxSize 51200 + 8192 KB, estimated 0 objects 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Target number of buckets: 228 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Using 8192 Store buckets 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Max Mem size: 8192 KB 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Max Swap size: 51200 KB 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Store logging disabled 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Rebuilding storage in c:/squid/var/cache (CLEAN) 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Using Least Load store dir selection 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Current Directory is C:\squid\sbin 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Loaded Icons. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Accepting proxy HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 13. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Accepting HTCP messages on port 4827, FD 14. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Accepting SNMP messages on port 3401, FD 15. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Ready to serve requests. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Done reading c:/squid/var/cache swaplog (0 entries) 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Finished rebuilding storage from disk. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| 0 Entries scanned 2009/03/25 23:39:12| 0 Invalid entries. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| 0 With invalid flags. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| 0 Objects loaded. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| 0 Objects expired. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| 0 Objects cancelled. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| 0 Duplicate URLs purged. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided. 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Took 0.3 seconds ( 0.0 objects/sec). 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Beginning Validation Procedure 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Completed Validation Procedure 2009/03/25 23:39:12| Validated 0 Entries 2009/03/25 23:39:12| store_swap_size = 0k 2009/03/25 23:39:13| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects 2009/03/25 23:40:26| WARNING: All basicauthenticator processes are busy. 2009/03/25 23:40:26| WARNING: up to 1 pending requests queued 2009/03/25 23:40:26| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting... 2009/03/25 23:40:27| WARNING: Closing open FD 13 2009/03/25 23:40:27| Finished. Wrote 0 entries. 2009/03/25 23:40:27| Took 0.1 seconds ( 0.0 entries/sec). FATAL: Too many queued basicauthenticator requests (1 on 0) Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE22): Terminated abnormally. | Вот полный вывод, непонятно, почему ругается на: 2009/03/25 23:39:11| WARNING: Cannot run 'c:/squid/libexec/ncsa_auth.exe' process. Он там лежит, ругался и на 2009/03/25 23:28:24| WARNING: Cannot run 'c:/windows/system32/cscript.exe' process. Хотя тоже лежит там, если слеши поставить в другую сторону, то, служба просто не стартует. Явный затык с путями и запуском авторизации. Если скрипт запустить руками из консоли, без ключа //B, он работает и ошибок не возвращает. Как фиксить? | Всего записей: 20 | Зарегистр. 12-02-2009 | Отправлено: 23:43 25-03-2009 | Исправлено: C128, 01:12 26-03-2009 |