Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору igorppp В ресурс ките для LCS есть LCSAddContacts.wsf... The Add Contacts script accepts two text files as input, a contacts file and a users file. The users file can contain a list of Live Communications Server users, a list of distinguished names for Active Directory® directory service containers containing users, or both. To add contacts, at the command prompt, run the script. Command syntax is as follows: cscript lcsaddcontacts.wsf /usersFile:<usersFileName> /contactsFile:<contactsFileName> [/contactsGroup:<contactsGroupName>] The script will attempt to add contacts specified in the contacts input file for each of the users specified in the users input file. In the input file for users, users can be specified by the sip:user@domain values or, if contacts are to be added for all Live Communications Server users in an Active Directory container, by the dn:cn=lcsusers,cn=company,cn=com values. To add contacts to a group, specify the /contactsGroup switch. If the contact group does not exist for a user, it will be created. As contacts are being added, output is written to the standard output device, by default the Command Prompt window. The output can be redirected to an output file by using the redirection operator >. Typical output contains a summary of input parameter and of successful and failed operations. С помощью него можно сделать то, что ты хочешь... |