Newbie | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Hi ALL! Стою перед выбором программы для администрирования принтеров/учета печати. В сети нашел некую программу Alagus Print Admin 3.0 (Домашняя страница). Alagus Print Admin is designed to: - Manage and control all printer devices installed on the local network; - Provide detailed printer related information, such as "Print Device Settings", “Printer LCD display”, "Network adapter settings", "Network statistics", "Protocols information", "Printer properties", " Print server properties", "Printers control panel" etc; - Control remotely the printer environments – Read / Write Printer Environments, cold/warm reset and restore to factory defaults; - Manipulate the printers status, such as "Pause / Resume Printer", "Cancel All Documents"; - Quick Telnet and HTTP connections. - Manage and control all printer jobs in printer queue, such as Copy / Cut, Paste, Pause / Resume, Restart, Cancel jobs; - Set a printing price on different paper size, (all paper size included); - Manage and control printing profile of the users or group of users; - Set limit to the number of printed documents by given user or given group of users for a day, week, or month; - Set a priority to given user or group of users. - Save information about each printed document, including user name, printer name, title of document, pages, size, date, time and cost; - Generate different types of statistics and reports on basis of printed documents by given user, printer, group of printers, group of users, date, period, or combination between these criteria, and finally print/export the generated reports. These statistics and reports include the printer related expenses; - Search by a keyword from a title of already printed document on single printer or on given group of printers. - Capture the events generated by the printer, such as "Out of paper", "Printer Error", "Paper Jam", "Off Line", "Unable to Connect" etc. and send pop-up messages to a chosen computer(s) on the local network. Save these events in a database, including type of the event, name of the printer that generates the event, date, and time of the event. По описанию и скриншотам лично у меня сложилось впечатление, что это очень достойный продукт. Кто-то уже сталкивался с этой программой? Знатоки, дайте оценку! P.S. В Варезнике создал соответствующую тему. BR!!! |