Hell Berrel
Junior Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | ICQ | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Leo1000 вроде не та ситуация. у меня удалилась учетная запись пользователя домена, новую создал. получил новый СИД, на локальном компе создался новый локальный профиль, на эксчендже создался новый ящик (к нему доступ есть). в эксчендже рядом стоят 2 ящика. Сейчас пробую exmerge для извлечения данных из хранилища, но возникает ошибка Цитата: **************************************************************** Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v4.00.021 Start Logging:September 26, 2008 14:26:15 **************************************************************** [14:26:15] Logging Level: None [14:26:15] Reading settings from file 'C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\BIN\EXMERGE.INI'. [14:26:15] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file '' [14:26:15] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from file '' [14:26:15] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list. [14:26:15] Current machine locale ID is 0x419 [14:26:15] Operating System Version 5.0 (Build 2195) [14:26:44] Error 8007203a opening an LDAP connection. ('LDAP://EXCHANGE/rootDSE') (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [14:26:44] Accessing Domain Controller 'SERVER_PDC' [14:26:44] 'EXCHANGE' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later [14:26:45] Searching the Active Directory for mailboxes homed on the following databases: [14:26:45] CN=Mailbox Store (EXCHANGE),CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=EXCHANGE,CN=Servers,CN=First Administrative Group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Karagandy Zhylu,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=orpower,DC=local [14:26:45] Found 153 mailboxes, in the Active Directory, homed on the specified databases. [14:26:59] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date operations. [14:26:59] Copying data to target store. The program will copy all messages from the source store to the target store, without checking whether the messages already exist in the target store. [14:26:59] Associated folder data will NOT be copied to the target store. [14:26:59] Using 'Russian' (0x419) as the default locale (Code page 1251) [14:26:59] All mailboxes will be processed, regardless of locale [14:26:59] Initializing worker thread (Thread0) [14:26:59] Copying data from mailbox 'audit' ('AUDIT') on Server 'EXCHANGE' to file 'C:\EXMERGEDATA\AUDIT.PST'. [14:27:02] Error opening message store (MSEMS). Verify that the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service is running and that you have the correct permissions to log on. (0x8004011d) [14:27:02] Errors encountered. Copy process aborted for mailbox 'audit' ('AUDIT'). [14:27:02] Number of items copied from the source store for all mailboxes processed: 0 [14:27:02] Total number of folders processed in the source store: 0 [14:27:02] 0 mailboxes successfully processed. 1 mailboxes were not successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered. [14:27:02] Process completion time: 0:00:00:02 | ] |