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OmniPatcher for LiteOn DVD-Writers Цитата: The OmniPatcher, as the name suggests, is an all-in-one firmware patching tool for LiteOn DVD-writers that lets you customize your firmware to your heart's content and fine-tune your drive's performance. Key features 1/ Adjust DVD Writing-Speed Limits (also known as "speedhacking")... +R9 media codes are supported, and so are the new 3S firmwares! 2/ Change the write strategies of +R and -R media codes. 3/ Increase DVD±R/R9/RW reading speed 4/ Enable auto-bitsetting 5/ Earlier shift (faster burn) for 8x +R... make your 8x burns a bit faster! 6/ Utilize "force-shifting" for 6x/8x burns... if your drive's OPC-checking is over-sensitive and is kicking in too much, use this! 7/ Utilize "force-fallback" for 8x +R... if you find that your errors at the end of the burn are too high, you can try this out. 8/ Fix the "dead drive blink" / Enable cross-flashing 9/ FlashFixing executables (done automatically) | Последняя версия: 2.4.4 (16-апр-2006): скачать изменения | Документация | поддержка
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| Всего записей: 24190 | Зарегистр. 07-04-2002 | Отправлено: 16:31 21-09-2004 | Исправлено: Widok, 19:31 23-05-2006 |