0 | “W” | Signals the beginning of the parameter list of an MST – START or –START_IMMEDIATE operation. |
1 | Iterations | The number of cycles to run the test. |
2 | Test Run Time | How long to run the test in seconds. |
3 | Pattern | The data pattern to be used for writing. |
4 | Skip Blocks | Enable or disable block skipping (default: disabled). |
5 | Keep SATA Disabled | Keep SATA disabled after the test ends (default: keep disabled). |
6 | Blink Fault LED | Blink the activity or fault LEDS during the test (default: blink the activity LED). |
7 | PHY Burn-In Speed | The speed at which perform PHY Burn-In (default: do not perform PHY Burn-In). |
8 | Cycle Timeout | The maximum time in seconds a cycle should run before aborting the test. |
9 | Bit Threshold | The number of bit errors to ignore before reporting (default: 16). |
10 | Random Blocks | Whether or not random blocks are used for writing, or if sequential blocks are used (default: pick random blocks). |
11 | Do Not Erase | Erase the drive at the succesful conclusion of the test (default: erase the drive) |