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Цитата: JaguarXJ может, припомните, как процессить интеля с хюниксом? | Цитата: Drives with Hynix flash cannot be remanufactured with this firmware revision. Firmware revision 5.0.5 can only be used on brand new (unmanufactured) drives using Hynix flash. A firmware update (downloading flashware) is allowed, but not with MFB image downloading/formatting as it will fail during the processing of the drive. Fur thermore, Hynix drives can now only be manufactured once in their life. Otherwise format will fail with too many bad blocks. |
| Всего записей: 6134 | Зарегистр. 03-10-2006 | Отправлено: 15:14 21-12-2017 | Исправлено: Smyg1, 15:15 21-12-2017 |