Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Svarga, в коллекцию extensinet - world's largest XML and Web Services resource page - http://www.extensinet.com/ The Cover Pages Web Site - a comprehensive Web-accessible reference collection supporting the SGML/XML family of (meta) markup language standards and their application - http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/ PerfectXML.com - provides the best collection of information on all things XML - http://www.perfectxml.com/ (ed. - там же раздел Free Library , где можно загрузить sample chapters книг по тематике) The XML Syntax Checker - online XML Syntax Checker - http://www.xml.com/pub/a/tools/ruwf/check.html TopXML - XML Developer Library - http://www.topxml.com/default.asp Open Source Apache XML Project - http://xml.apache.org/ - sub- projects : # Xerces - XML parsers in Java, C++ (with Perl and COM bindings) # Xalan - XSLT stylesheet processors, in Java and C++ # Cocoon - XML-based web publishing, in Java # AxKit - XML-based web publishing, in mod_perl # FOP - XSL formatting objects, in Java # Forrest - XML/XSLT-based framework for project documentation and website development, based on Cocoon # Xang - Rapid development of dynamic server pages, in JavaScript # SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol # Batik - A Java based toolkit for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) # Crimson - A Java XML parser derived from the Sun Project X Parser. # Xindice - A native XML database. # XML Commons - focussed on common code and guidelines for xml projects XMLPitstop.com - http://www.xmlpitstop.com/ - XML and .NET useful resources and demos ZVON.org - The Guide to the XML Galaxy- http://www.zvon.org/ - там же материал на русском : # CSS tutorial (Yuri Atanov) # DTD Tutorial (Vasil Yaroshevich, Pavel Golovin) # Namespace Tutorial (Andrey Serov) # XML Tutorial (Grigory Statsenko) # XPath Tutorial (Vasil Yaroshevich) # XSLT Tutorial (Vasil Yaroshevich) | Всего записей: 273 | Зарегистр. 26-12-2002 | Отправлено: 16:09 24-06-2003 | Исправлено: Lechii, 16:11 24-06-2003 |