сто лет одиночества | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору MyIE2 v0.46.324 beta ------ "MyIE2", growing from "MyIE 3.2", is a lovely IE-cored, multi-language, multi-window explorer. 0.45 (Fixed) Can not Ctrl+Enter to submit post in some forums (Added) Use Undo menu to resume you last visited page. (Changed) All language related files,such as search, resource and help, are moved to language directory (Fixed) Default mouse position problem.(It goes to upper right sometimes) (Changed) All language related files,such as search, resource and help, are moved to language directory (Fixed) Favorite menu error in Nt40 and win95 (Added) DDE support (Fixed) Tab position error (Added) Favorite icon support (Fixed) Language=NULL problem (Fixed) problems in big font system.(toolbar height is not correct) (Fixed) more flicker problem. (Fixed) myie.ini problem. (make your myie.ini clear) --------
---------- Умер Габриэль Гарсия Маркес, мой кумир, волшебник описания чувств и мыслей |